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Moonwell is an open lending & borrowing DeFi protocol built on Moonbeam and Moonriver.
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    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
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    MFAM/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0122
    $ 14.958 K
To be announced
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Über Moonwell

Moonwell Apollo, Moonwell's first deployment, has been deployed on Kusama's Moonriver network, the sister parachain of Polkadot’s Moonbeam. Moonriver is where new products are expected to be incubated and developed prior to being deployed on Moonbeam.

Moonwell Artemis, Moonwell's second deployment, is now live on Polkadot's Moonbeam network!

Why Polkadot & Kusama?

Polkadot is a Layer 0 blockchain that allows other blockchains (parachains) to seamlessly communicate and send assets to each other. Polkadot’s interoperability, security, and low transaction fees make it the ideal infrastructure for the multi-chain world of Web 3.0.

Kusama is Polkadot’s canary network. Kusama’s lower barrier of entry relative to Polkadot has resulted in rapid innovation and growth with no signs of slowing down.

The Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems are commonly referenced together as the “DotSama” ecosystem.

Why Moonbeam?

Moonbeam is the first fully Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible parachain on Polkadot.

Moonbeam combines the best of both worlds:

  1. Polkadot’s scalability & interoperability.
  2. Ethereum’s Ease-of-Use & developer community.

Users, developers, and infrastructure providers already familiar with Ethereum can easily use, deploy, and build on Moonbeam while benefiting from the scalability and interoperability of Polkadot.

Moonwell Artemis, our Moonbeam deployment, will be activated by the Moonwell community once favorable economic conditions on Moonbeam are met.

Why Moonriver?

Moonriver is Moonbeam’s sister network on Kusama.

As the first EVM compatible parachain on Kusama, Moonriver has attracted numerous projects, developers, and users.

Moonwell Apollo, our Moonriver deployment, will be our first deployment given Moonriver’s already sufficient DEX liquidity and Chainlink oracle support. Moonriver is where new products are expected to be incubated and developed prior to being deployed on Moonbeam.

Technische Information

mTokens are an ERC-20 compliant token that is used to track positions within the Moonwell protocol. mTokens are transferrable and fungible, and can be redeemed for an underlying position assuming there is sufficient liquidity and that position represented by those tokens haven't been marked for use as collateral.

When you liquidate an underwater loan on Moonwell, you pay off a user's underwater position and are able to seize a portion or the entirety of their mTokens.

Moonwell Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Luke Youngblood
Lucas Kozinski
David Deborin


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Mason Borda
Brandon Kase

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