Monster Molecules

Monster Molecules

Created using Figma
Welcome to the Monster Molecules Research Lab (MMRL), a genesis clan of 5,555 excited molecules growing stronger and volatile with a mission to make the Metaverse a better place.
To be announced
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Über Monster Molecules

Monster Molecules Research Lab (MMRL) is a genesis clan of 5.555 excited molecules growing stronger and volatile with a mission to make the Metaverse a better place. These monsters are derived from the energy source molecule of glucose which appears in a hexagon shape. Just like how glucose molecules played a pivotal role in human evolution thus the universe we are today, monster molecules are determined to provide revolutionary functions and utilities to the NFT world and ultimately the Metaverse.

Monster Molecules Roadmap

  • The early adopters (555) of the NFT get to experience the following benefits:-

  • 1) NFT Airdrops

    2) presale benefits - Mint 4 NFT

    3) 1-year exclusive membership for professional training and certifications such as Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Adobe, Cybersecurity, Blockchain and many others.

    4) Selected members to get to complete a micromasters or nanodegree from pre-determined platforms and university.

    5) Selected members get to do professional executive programmes at prestigious universities (names cannot be mentioned due to NDA)
  • The Whitelist members get:-

  • 1) NFT Giveaways

    2) presale benefits - Mint 2 NFT

    3) For selected members:- 1-year exclusive membership for professional training and certifications such as Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Adobe, Cybersecurity, Blockchain and many others.
  • There will be a total of 5555 NFT Collections in the MM-S01 edition. out of this, the categories will be

  • 1) OG - 555 (early adopters)

    2) WHitelist - 2000

    3) Public Sale - 3000

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