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There are secrets about UFOs and UAP that are hidden from the public. The process of Disclosure is unfolding slowly so that non-believers can digest it. The Monolether token is for the believers.
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News and events related to UFO Disclosure and other content such as ancient astronaut theory and the abduction phenomenon. Share your paranormal and UFO / UAP experiences. You are not alone. We are not alone.


Before Common Era: The gods came to Earth and lived among primitive man.

1947: Space-traveling beings crashed a UFO craft in Roswell, and the US government covered it up.

1968: The film 2001: A Space Odyssey was released, where the Monolith represents knowledge, evolution, and technological advancement.

2009: Bitcoin revolutionized finance and record keeping.

2015: Ethereum revolutionized automatic operations through smart contracts.

2017: The US Department of Defense acknowledged crafts of unknown origin, UFOs.

2023: Monolether is The Disclosure Token, where holders acknowledge the existence of UFOs and want all of Earth’s governments to disclose what they are hiding.

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