Mocking Metaverse

Mocking Metaverse

Created using Figma
Welcome to the world's most different project! Like Doge
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Über Mocking Metaverse

Why Doge Reward ?

Because it is like us. It's making fun of the system. Because it has no owner,like us.Because like us. community oriented. There is nothing you need to do to collect the rewards. Only Mock token holders will receive doge rewards automatically every two hours.


Doge Award to Hodlers. " 5% " percent of each transaction will be distributed to all mock hodlers as doges.



" 1% " percent of each transaction will be transferred to the automatic liquidity pool. Thus, the liquidity pool will grow continuously.



" 1% " of every transaction is will be transferred to ads marketing wallet. Thus, resources related to the aggressive market campaign will be collected. Please also read the financial strategy section of the whitepaper.



Buying slippage 7 Selling slippage 7 And that will never be changed.



That's why we want you to read the whitepaper. The team also has to buy tokens. And there won't be a single unpaid mock token.



Pinksale KYC done. In addition, it has been guaranteed by the audit that our contract works correctly and that tokens cann't be minted again. It is also shared on github as open source.

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