Mobius schließt die Lücke zwischen der Internetwelt und der Blockchain Welt durch innovative und einfache Protokolle, die neue einführen Standards für Cross-Blockchain-Login, Zahlung, Governance und Orakel.
Das Unternehmen entwickelt innovative und einfache Cross-Blockchain Protokolle, um Milliarden von Menschen und Geräten zu verbinden Blockchain-Ökosystem.
Das Unternehmen erstellt eine einfach zu bedienende Dezentrale App (DApp) Store, der die $ 6,3 Billionen disintermediiert und dezentralisiert 2021 App Wirtschaft.
Das Mobius-Token (MOBI) versorgt das Mobius-Netzwerk und erleichtert es Werttransfer, dezentrale Community Governance und unverfallbar auf Pfählen basierende Reputationssysteme und Orakel
Die Mobius Universal Protocol APIs arbeiten über alle Blockchains und Verbinde die Internetwelt also mit dem Blockchain-Ökosystem Entwickler müssen nur einen Standard lernen und unterstützen.
Q3 2017
Q4 2017
Q1-Q2 2018
Q3-Q4 2018
Verifiziert 0%
Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind
Verifiziert 0%
Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind
By having the project to run on the Stellar blockchain, Mobius is able to have a higher transaction throughout and faster confirmation time.
The problems that Mobius is trying to solve have a lot of opportunities. If Mobius is successful and gains traction, it have a lot of upside potential.
It seems like Mobius is trying to do everything at once. The roadmap includes off-chain token scaling solution, proof of stake Oracle protocol, dApp store, and cross chain connectivity. Each of them is a huge undertaking by itself and there are projects that deal specifically in that one area. The lack of focus is going to divert the team’s attention and we are not sure if the Mobius team can pull everything off.
The project runs on the Stellar blockchain, which most people are not familiar with. ICO participants will need to learn how to use Stellar wallets to store and send the MOBI tokens. This is going to create another barrier for potential participants interested in buying MOBI tokens.
There is a tradeoff between scalability and decentralization. In Stellar’s consensus protocol, the network validators are not rewarded for good behavior or penalized for bad behavior. Each node selects a set of publicly trusted peers, and forwards only the transactions that have been validated by a certain majority of its trusted partners. This is how Stellar is able to support thousands of transactions a second with a confirmation time less than 5 seconds.
Because Mobius have a very broad scope, it competes with many blockchain projects in some way – Status, Decentraland, and District0x for the DApp store; Chainlink and Oraclize on the Oracle side.
Overall, we are neutral about this ICO both for its short- and long-term potential. Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding
Neutral. In this market environment, we believe this ICO probably cannot reach the hard cap. Unsold tokens will be saved for future sale/distribution to community to build it, which is less desirable than burning the tokens from an investment standpoint.
For long-term holding
Neutral. The project is very ambitious and we believe this is not a good thing. For a small team of 3 (with the Head Research Scientist on leave in the middle of his PhD program), we believe it is better for Mobius to tackle one area successfully before moving to the next problem.
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