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MM Finance is the FIRST AMM & DEX on Cronos Chain that offers fee rebates via trade mining. We have the lowest trading fees on Cronos Chain. On top of that, we are the FIRST to introduce Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) into our DEX!
To be announced
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Über MM.Finance

As a Trader You will find potential projects on MM Finance early and accompany them to grow up to massive predator through trading, farming, etc. Also, you will get free $MMF via trade mining rebates. You receive $MMF tokens for every trade you make! How awesome is that? As a Project You will find the best support on MM Finance, including grants, arbitrage support, marketing support and our network that stretches outside of the CRONOS Chain. Projects can reach out to us to establish pools or farms. ↔️ Trade Instantly swap tokens: no registration or account needed. Everything is decentralized! Lower fees MM Finance runs on Cronos, a blockchain with much lower transaction costs than Ethereum or Bitcoin. It is not a lot cheaper but roughly 100x cheaper! Decentralized Unlike centralized exchanges, MM Finance doesn't hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your tokens, and you can trade directly from your wallet without anyone holding your funds! Power of DEX! Earn Earn $MMF and other tokens for free with high interest rates and APY! The annual percentage yield (APY) is the real rate of return earned on an investment, taking into account the effect of compounding interest. Unlike simple interest, compounding interest is calculated periodically and the amount is immediately added to the balance. Lowest Trading Fees With 0.17% Trading Fees (lowest in the space) you are guaranteed the best rates all the time when you trade via MM Finance. Earn $MMF via Yield Farms Stake LP tokens to earn $MMF. You get LP tokens through staking tokens in Liquidity Pools (LPs). The amount of $MMF rewards you will receive can be calculated via the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) Earn tokens via Pools Stake $MMF to earn tokens contributed by our partner projects. Partner projects provide us with their tokens to help increase their exposure via our platform or as payment for us helping them set up farms! Earn Trading Fees Like other centralized exchanges, you can earn trading fees (0.10%) of all trades that goes through your pair when you stake your tokens in Liquidity Pools (LPs).

MM.Finance Roadmap

  • Strategy

  • DEFI education platform - Getting newbies out of app, and onto cronos - we will introduce a new mechanics: Learn Mining
    Getting MMF listed on money markets, so there are more earning opportunities, and to expand our ecosystem
    Launchpads to grow our userbase, and provide more utility for MMF
    MMF governance system for liquidity voting rights
    MMF-CRO bonding to create more capacity for MMF emissions in farms
    Deeper integration with our MMB NFTs, with exciting plans
  • Features

  • Swap: Trade between Cryptocurrencies
    Liquidity: Add tokens to liquidity pool and receive LP tokens
    Farms: Stake LP tokens, get rewarded with $MMF tokens
    Savanna (Pool): Stake $MMF, earn free tokens
    Auto-compounding MMF-MMF Pool
    NFT Ecosystem: Marketplace with MadMeerkatNFT
    Launchpad: Raise funds for your project in $MMF-CRO LP tokens. After redeeming the LP tokens, the CRO is distributed to the project, and the $MMF is burned
    NFT Farming: Stake NFT and farm more rewards
    Analytics Page: Track liquidity information
    Referral System: Refer and earn program
    Trade Mining: get fee rebates in the form of $MMF on every trade
    Governance: Participate in governance and vote on proposals - vote by $MMF
    Smart Router: Automatically route to the liquidity pool with the best price for a specific transaction
    Hold: Lock tokens for a certain duration and earn token with fixed APY
    Multichain: Launch on other blockchain and service more projects and users
  • User Experience

  • Mobile friendly
    Faster site
    Improved UX
    Multi-language - English, French, Mandarin etc
    Personal dashboard - check stats
  • Business Development

  • Partnerships with major players
    List on Major CEX

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