MiniPanther DAO

MiniPanther DAO

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Welcome to MiniPanther DAO, a Special Purpose DAO (SPDAO) on the Fantom Network! MiniPanther brings the concept of fast-and-furious 14-day "layers" to the DAO world. After operating under the standard DAO mechanics of staking and bonding for 14 days, 80% of all non-LP treasury funds will be used for buybacks on day 15!
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Über MiniPanther DAO

We believe that short-term financial games are fun and exhilarating! Many people were intrigued and excited by the idea of SnowDogDAO, which was a short-term DAO followed by a buyback. However, everyone was disappointed when SnowDogDAO's buyback was not fair or transparent: it was conducted on a new LP system that required a passphrase to trade. As a result, the dream of a short-term DAO with massive buybacks at the end has never been truly realized. Seeing this, we programmed a DAO that lasts only 14 days, after which no further supply expansion is possible. After the first 14 days, 80% of the non-LP treasury is bound by the code to be used for buybacks within 24 hours. The buybacks are handled by a special admin function, and these buybacks are the only possible use of the funds according to the code. After 24 hours, any wallet can call a function that finishes all remaining buybacks. Therefore, we are confident that MiniPanther will fulfill the exciting vision of a short-term DAO followed by massive buybacks!   Whereas most DAOs based on Olympus are intended to last a long time, continuing with rebase staking rewards forever may not be viable, as the amount of money coming into the system can only match an exponentially increasing number of tokens for so long. In contrast, MiniPanther contains all supply expansion within a 14-day period, allowing users to temporarily experience very high yield and strong anticipation without breaking the system. To our knowledge, MiniPanther is the first fully auto-liquidating DAO in history, which is why we call it a Special Purpose DAO (SPDAO). The use of MiniPanther's entire treasury is established by the code and incorporated into a short-term financial game. We hope you enjoy it! We also have a fair, transparent user reward program: MP stakers will receive bonus APR through our staking partnership with Dark Knight. We offer double yield without any liquidation or lotteries!    

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