Metaverse Exchange

Metaverse Exchange

Created using Figma
Metaverse Exchange (MetaCex) is the first Metaverse to incorporate the technology park business structure to help cryptocurrency projects grow into viable and attractive investments. The only projects eligible for the services package are those who own land in the MetaCex Metaverse.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Catex
    METACEX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001
    $ 1.07
To be announced
Team Allocation:
10% (vesting schedule of 12 months with monthly release)
5% (vesting schedule of 12 months with monthly release)
5% (vesting schedule of 12 months with monthly release)
15% (rewards will last for 12 months)
Public/Uniswap pool:
Weitere Details

Über Metaverse Exchange

Our team is comprised of former directors of industrial parks that provided services to over 40,000 businesses in the real world.
Due to the wide variety of services offered, companies were able to purchase what they needed at a cheaper price - as long as they registered their business within the park.

MetaCex is able to offer cheaper prices because of our established industry connections - managing thousands of businesses allows us to take a smaller profit margin from each company. MetaCex is innovating in the cryptocurrency world by leveraging this concept. The goal of MetaCex is to transform our own Metaverse into the Silicon Valley of Metaverses - a place where project owners can advertise their business headquarters in the MetaCex Metaverse as a lucrative asset.

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