Metaverse Club

Metaverse Club

Created using Figma
We make more awareness in the world about the power of Metaverse.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Metaverse Club

After the success of the last Asia Metaverse Conference 2022, we received a lot of feedback from the global audience about the need for further learning and socializing with the global Metaverse companies. So the Metaverse Club is organizing the Global Metaverse Carnival 2022.

Global Metaverse Carnival 2022 is for the English and Chinese markets. It will bring together 2000+ participants from Metaverse brands, investors, technology companies, blockchain companies, and journalists to discuss the significant global events happening in the Metaverse in the second half of 2022!

Event Venue: This is an online event, and it will hold in our custom 3D snow house virtual event system in which everyone creates a unique avatar and walk around the venue to explore the 3D expo area, talk, and Q&A with the speakers, exhibitors, investors, and others!

Metaverse Club Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Aly Madhavji
Blockchain Founders Fund Managing Partner
David Gan
OP Crypto Founder & General Partner
Felix Hartmann
Hartmann Capital Founder and CIO
Moderator:evgeny Gok...
Re7 Capital Founder/ Managing Partner
On Yavin
Cointelligence Fund Founder & Managing Partner
Paul Hsu
Decasonic CEO/Founder
Gilbert Ng
Mulana Ventures Partner
Deepak Basavaraju
Mapleblock Capital India head
James Park
Brinc HK Associate Program Manager
Paul Dawalibi
Holodeck Ventures CEO
Aneri Merchant
XVC Tech Lead - Ecosystem Ventures
Kevin Reddy
REDDY CAPITAL Managing Partner
Moderator: Jacki Vau...
Dimoso CEO

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