Metaverse 7

Metaverse 7

Created using Figma
It's the year 3789. Skytellers have awoken. 15k Next Gen NFTs. Fully customizable / upgradeable.
To be announced
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Über Metaverse 7

Metaverse 7 aims to be a leading brand name in the Crypto Gaming, NFT, and Metaverse ecosystem, driving innovation and increasing adoption for NFTs. Metaverse 7 will build its brand by both investing in and participating in the Open Metaverse.

We believe that crypto gaming adoption is in its infancy and is primed to deliver massive growth. The entire crypto gaming sector currently makes up a tiny percentage of the total crypto market. However, we believe this is set to grow significantly in the coming years as crypto gaming and NFTs are well and truly on the path to mass adoption.

Despite this huge potential, it is still challenging to analyze, access, and develop the best opportunities. The landscape is rife with undeveloped ideas, empty promises, and sadly scammers too. Currently, there is a lot of blind hype. Success in this space needs a great deal of time, technical expertise, discipline, and a professional approach. What is also being missed is that the massive gaming markets are not necessarily ready to adopt crypto gaming en masse (where crypto game quality is in its infancy). The key is creating quality games that are easy to take up - it must not feel difficult to sign up for a game, and the blockchain barriers need to be reduced. Finally, it needs to be part of the larger mission of creating positive, enriching, and beneficial experiences.

But Metaverse 7 is here to do this work. As we build an incredible community, we will also all have fun along the way too. There is strength in numbers. We are building a network of early adopters, innovators, and like-minded enthusiasts, which will allow us to always be at the cutting edge of this movement. With the strength of the community, the amazing team will create an ecosystem of investment opportunities, products, insights, and networking, all done in a fun, positive, and engaging way.

We also want to be part of the metaverse and deliver our own project. Seizing all the opportunities (with care), the team, which has a strong creative background, will develop and launch its own platform. Starting with our rich story, we will develop the mythology and actively plan our entry into the metaverse. We will leverage our advanced understanding of the crypto landscape and develop advanced interoperable gaming assets and rich digital worlds. We will launch a marketplace where our assets can be traded and used across the entire digital landscape. Soon after that launch, we will produce a product that will be regarded as the true disruptor in the Metaverse

Metaverse 7 Roadmap

  • 1

  • Genesis Collection:15,000 Unique Skyteller NFTs
  • 2

  • Launch the MT7 Token with Skating
  • 3

  • Launch The Vault
    Fractionalized ownership
    of DAO's assets
  • 4

  • Develop the
    Metaverse 7 Universe:
    3D Avatars, Future Collections, Mythology
  • Weiterlesen
  • 5

  • Launch: Metaverse 7
    gaming marketplace!
    NFT holders will have early

Metaverse 7 Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Rami Ajami
CEO & Founder at
Maren Altman


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Irina Karagyuar
Head of Metaverse Growth | Building Web3, a Decent...

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