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Innovative payment network
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Über Metaverse

Metaverse the new cryptocurrency that you can use in various ways and investments is open source. Metaverse allows interesting uses not contemplated by any previous payment system the new cryptocurrency that can be accessed easily, quickly and reliably.

METAVERSE is a deflationary coin designed to become scarcer over time. All Metaverse holders will earn more Metaverse which is automatically sent to their wallet simply by holding Metaverse Coins in their wallet.

Watch the amount of metaverse in your wallet grow as all holders automatically receive a 3% fee for every transaction that occurs on the Metaverse network. The community receives more Metaverse Coins from the fees generated by each transaction.

To make the purchase of the crypto you can do it through our wallet or by bank transfer at the time of making the payment immediately the tokens will be transferred to your account or failing that to your most trusted wallet.

A few years ago, it used to be played just for fun. Currently, things have changed thanks to new technologies such as blockchains and cryptocurrencies. There is a wide variety of blockchain-based games that use non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to allow their players to earn money by playing. And this is one of them now you can earn points and accumulate money to be able to download it to your bank account

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