

Created using Figma
A decentralized open platform for programmable smart properties, digital identities and applications.
To be announced
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Über Metaverse

Metaverse is one of the first public Blockchains in China and has been operating successfully for four years. Our Mission is to drive blockchain technology adoption by building developer-friendly tools as well as easy-to-use user interfaces so that non-technical users are equally empowered to use this disruptive technology in both their business and daily life.   Metaverse provides unique developer tools with a strong focus on Digital Assets, Digital Identities and Smart Contracts. Metaverse offers easy-to-use development kits that power the future of Finance and the Digital Economy. We support developers of decentralized applications by reducing transaction and deployment costs without compromising on security. Through the Hyperspace Blockchain, we have implemented one of the first functional dual-consensus (POW – POS) block production mechanisms, which ensures both low latency and security. Continuing the legacy of a successful and innovative platform, we are proud to introduce the next evolutionary step, The New Metaverse Platform. As its predecessor, the New Metaverse Platform is an infrastructure layer of blockchain technology aimed to contribute to the decentralization of the ecosystem. In the new iteration, at its core, we enable the network layer and secure the layer using the Substrate modular framework in order to achieve higher scalability, long-term expansion, and to connect decentralized applications and services. We will also allow other independent blockchains to connect, exchange information and transactions.

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