

Created using Figma
MetaStreme is a robust and scalable BitCoin transaction builder designed to be simple yet capable of supporting the most demanding applications
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über MetaStreme

Power of Bitcoin
Virtually any application can easily harness the power of Bitcoin through our API without the need for complex development.

The BitcoinSV public ledger ensures a stable development protocol that is designed to maintain fast, low cost transactions.

Enterprise Ready
MetaStreme delivers new standards scale, efficiency and reliability for autonomously processing transactions on a public distributed ledger making it ideal for the most demanding of applications.

Management Portal
Our client portal enables developers to take control of their Bitcoin projects allowing them to manage network settings, API keys, wallets, requests and accounting on a per project basis.


Robust and scalable transaction engine

Zero UTXO and address management

Advanced transaction support

IOT device support

mAPI integration - TAAL and GorillaPool

Flexible fee rates

SPV proofs

Data indexing services

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