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MetaRoyale is a decentralized P2E battle royale running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
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Über MetaRoyale

MetaRoyale (token ticker $MRVR) also serves as a cryptocurrency that incentivizes players to accomplish objectives, missions and must be staked by users in order to qualify for earning and governance. The ambition is to combine the survival aspects of battle royales with real-life social interactions, packed with a full-on VR gaming experience and NFT-backed virtual goods.

Improved Security & Privacy

All of our in-game cosmetics are stored as NFTs on the BSC blockchain. This ensures the MetaRoyale digital goods can not be manipulated, duped or altered in any way.
Collect and trade your favourite items in our game-focused ecosystem.

MetaRoyale Letzte Nachrichten

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