Meta World Game

Meta World Game

Created using Figma
Meta-World is an island country exploration game, islanders can collect, plant, and play to earn income. An agricultural tool with collectible value will take you on an incredible journey of island discovery and wealth creation.
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Über Meta World Game

Create a vibrant and sustainable world with Meta World! In Meta-World, players can mine and build as much as they want. Players enter the meta-universe world and land on various unknown desert islands. The desert island is rich in mines and timber resources. There are many islands in Meta-world, some of which contain a large amount of ore. Players can use ore crafting tools to build houses, use tools to produce ore and wood on desert islands, or obtain them through fishing and planting. Food, through consuming ore and wood, etc. to obtain and update their production equipment or exchange for other valuable items (of course, they can sell these ores). There are also islands with beautiful environments and numerous flora and fauna, which are very suitable for players to settle, set up and operate their own virtual companies. Participants live on the desert island and record their lives through blockchains. As you can see, the game assets of players in Meta-world are all stored on these blockchains. This means that any third party (digital asset trading platform, digital asset wallet, etc.) can easily access these assets, and players can easily sell or give away these assets to other players.

Meta-World is an island country exploration game, islanders can collect, plant, and play to earn income. An agricultural tool with collectible value will take you on an incredible journey of island discovery and wealth creation.

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