Meta Things

Meta Things

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Metathings ($METT) aims to transform 2D objects into 3D NFTs using artificial intelligence. It transforms a 2D photo given to it into 3D in a very short time and mints it as NFT.
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Firma gegründet
Jan 1, 2022
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Über Meta Things

#Mett was a result of our belief in the world of the metaverse. After owning any brand of VR glasses and experiencing it for the first time, we thought it would be indispensable in the near future.

If you don't have virtual glasses, buy one now. The decision to join the our pre-sale and start using all the possibilities that virtual glasses give, this is the right way. You will see that a magnificent metaverse world is being built.

Metathings is awaring of the size and power of this market. Definitely , Metaverse technology is a core feature of Web3. Everything is quite different from the classic web2. We know that without blockchain technology, the metaverse will not be built and web3 will never achieve its purpose.However, we think that the projects developed using the metaverse name on the blockchain side and especially nfts are insufficient.

There are well-known projects that develop new ideas for the metaverse platform as pioneers. However, we think that many of them need to develop new ideas and refine their platforms, user interfaces and data processing techniques.

Metathings ($METT) aims to transform 2D objects into 3D NFTs using artificial intelligence. It transforms a 2D photo given to it into 3D in a very short time and mints it as NFT. 3D modeling and artificial intelligence technologies continue to grow every day. There is a competitive environment.However, metathings will be the first app to adapt AI Object Modeling to Blockchains (AOMB) .As various industries move towards modeling massive 3D virtual worlds, the need for content creation tools that can scale in the quantity, quality, and variety of 3D content becomes apparent.Mett is precisely targeting the needs of this market. 3D modeling, engineering, architecture, entertainment, film, special effects, game development, and commercial advertising. It is a decentralized blockchain platform that will produce the 3D objects necessary for the metaverse world.Mett audited by Certik and has Skynet.

Metathings will be an advanced version of the pioneering work for the metaverse. We will try to increase the functionality of the metaverse by partnering with the best metaverse platforms without selling things like virtual land, virtual home.

Meta Things Roadmap

  • Q4 2022

  • Mett Project is Born
    -Purchase of domain names of project Websites
    -Preparation of pre-sale Website
    -Clarification of team members
    -Determination of full-time employees
    -Begin development of the project backend
  • Q1 2023

  • Mett Whitepaper
    -Detailed Whitepaper
    -Certik Audit
    -Social Media (Twitter,Telegram,Github,Reddit,Youtube)
    -Blockchain Press
    -Ready to Test for End User (Develop Project AI Application)
    -Pre-Sale launch
    -Lots of AMA (Telegram-Twitter)
    -Initial exchange listing integration
    -Second exchange List
    -CMC (Quickly)
    -Other Listing Platform
    -Rent high processing power server
  • Q2 2023

  • Mett Alpha Release
    -Stake Initiation
    -List Trustwallet
    -List on 3st Big Exchange
    -Release of the first version of the project
    -Debugging potential bugs
    -Widespread deployments with more partners and developers
    -Complete renovation
    -Create NFT marketplace( It is very important to have your own NFT market )
  • Q3 2023

  • Mett Artificial intelligence
    -Full release of the Met3 project
    -White papers for the Met3 project
    -Announcement of ETH integration (Maybe in Q2 2023)
    -Adding Uniswap liquidity
    -Definitely a new stock market listing(Big)
    -Participation and sponsorship of crypto fairs (Can be completed in previous stages)
    -Widespread deployments with more partners and developers
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q4 2023

  • Mett's evolution
    -Test announcement of Mett app
    -More partners and developers
    -Publication of the new roadmap

Meta Things Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Data Expert
Adrian Miguel
Cyber Security Expert

Meta Things Interviews

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Data analist
development of artificial intelligence, market research and customer preferences, error detection, machine learning, statistics, forecasting and process optimization.
What do you think about idea?
Its amazing project that provides transferring images into the metaverse in form of 3D NFT using AI
Adrian Miguel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Technical Project Manager
What do you think about idea?
The first form of AI object modeling adapted to blockchain.

Meta Things Letzte Nachrichten

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