Meta Outlaws

Meta Outlaws

Created using Figma
Meta Outlaws is a project for the people, by the people in all aspects. Our vision is simple, we want want to give power back to the people and this will be done by providing utility that simplifies our communities lives and giving them power to vote on the future of the organisation.
Pre Sale
To be announced
Weitere Details


Meta Outlaws is a project that was created for all outliers, disruptors and innovators with the goal of creating a project for the people by the people. Meta Outlaws offers countless opportunities and tangible utility. Price appreciation, royalty sharing and a connected community are a few of the benefits to be had. Live life your way and be an Outlaw by joining us on this awesome adventure.

Meta Outlaws Roadmap


  • Launch social media channels, website, and collection of 10,000 NFTs via a Pre-Sale and Public Sale. We are glad to have you on board for what promises to be one hell of a ride!

  • Establish a Trust responsible for distributing payments/ rewards impartially to all community members who meet the criteria to receive a portion of the 50% royalty to be distributed on a quarterly basis. We strongly believe that everyone that shares responsibility for the success of the project should also reap the rewards.

  • There will be online auction for 20 Mutant Outlaws with highest bidders getting an opportunity to secure these rare pieces.

  • Reward Meta Outlaw NFT holders, via an airdrop of a free 3D version of an Outlaw. The airdrop will be free of charge, thus giving out a bonus to loyal holders and adding a deflationary element to the project. Value creation is at the centre of the path we’ve dared to embark on as Outlaws. An investment in the Meta Outlaws is not simply a transaction but a key that will unlock the doors to new opportunities the world over.
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  • In line with our disruptor’s mantra, upon selling 100% of the Outlaws 3 lucky holders will be selected to receive a brand-new Tesla Model 3 each (the ultimate disruptor’s Batmobile). Winners will be selected based on a random draw which equates each Meta Outlaw ownership as a single entry to the raffle. All this is in addition to our weekly giveaways that can be found on our social media channels, a token of appreciation for your support in helping us become the ultimate disruptors.

  • Community to us means forming and fostering value additive partnerships. To that point, it is our mission to create and establish partnerships with brands both in and outside of the Metaverse to provide unique exclusive benefits including priority access to upcoming projects. One of the key benefits of being an Outlaw is that you will be able avail concierge services from select partners across the globe

  • As part of our movement to empower our community as true stakeholders, the direction of our next NFT collection will be decided by YOU via a community vote. More details to be released closer to the date. We envision a collection where we partner with a variety of artists from different social classes to bring diversification to the project and offer a platform that artists can use as a launch pad into the NFT space.

  • The Outlaws will need residency in the Metaverse and hence funds will need to be set aside to purchase a Hideout where they can strategize and operate from. The hideout will be their place of solace offering a variety of entertainment options (i.e., games, shows, etc). Any successful takeover requires a base of operations, and the Hideout will be that place for our disruptive overhaul of the establishment.

  • To gain better control of how community members are rewarded and true to our ethos, we will launch the $outlaws token which will be used as the main medium of exchange within the Hideout (and beyond) and also the medium through which the community royalties will be paid in the long run. The $outlaws token will be backed by ETH reserves derived from the sale.

  • Outlaws will need to adapt so that they can be used within games in the Metaverse, thus they will need to be interoperable to maximize utility. We believe that holders should be able to maximize the usage of their NFTs. Opportunities are boundless and we endeavour to leave no stone unturned in pursuit for maximum utility.

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