Welcome to the future of business and interaction - Meta Launcher, the one-stop-shop for all your metaverse needs. Our team of blockchain, VR, and software developers are dedicated to breaking down the barriers to entry for firms and projects and making the metaverse accessible to everyone.
With Meta Launcher, your company or personal brand can step into the alternate reality of the metaverse and experience it's full potential. Our flagship products, MetaMall & MetaStores provide a wide range of possibilities for all your desires.
Don't wait any longer to take your business to the next level.
MetaMall — Your Virtual Shopping Destination
Gone are the days when shopping involved traveling to a physical mall, spending hours browsing through the stores, and then carrying your purchases back home. With Metamall, you can now experience the thrill of shopping from the comfort of your own home. Metamall is a virtual shopping mall that allows you to shop from any brand, anywhere, and anytime.
Metamall provides a hyper-realistic shopping experience, complete with 3D models of products and showrooms, and the ability to interact with the products in real-time. You can walk down the virtual aisle, pick up a product, examine it from different angles, and even try it on virtually. Metamall makes shopping not just a chore, but an immersive and enjoyable experience.
MetaStore — A Marketplace for Entrepreneurs and Brands
Metastores is a virtual storefront where entrepreneurs and brands can create their own virtual store and sell their products to the world. MetaStores provides a platform for small businesses and entrepreneurs to reach a global audience, regardless of their physical location.
With MetaStores, entrepreneurs and brands can showcase their products in a virtual environment, complete with interactive displays and high-quality graphics. This allows them to reach customers in a way that traditional online shopping cannot match. Customers can interact with the products, learn more about the brand, and even try the products on virtually, all from the comfort of their own homes.
MetaChest - Loot box system with rewards for loyal users
MetaChests are virtual treasure chests that contain a wide range of items and rewards, such as whitelisting spots, exclusive products, and special experiences. They provide a unique way for brands, entrepreneurs, and developers to reward their customers, supporters, and fans.
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