

Created using Figma
The future of rewarding holders who invest in tokenomics
The MegaBitcoin Team has every investors contribution as the top priority for growth and stability, powered by bitcoin miners. We created a massive rewards system for our holders to love and enjoy the power of passive income just for holding MBC.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über MegaBitcoin

Earn $BTCB (Bitcoin) rewards through $MBC token holding and bitcoin mining!


We present a wonderful automatic reward system that automatically gives holders 11% $BTCB (Binance Bitcoin) from the buy and sell transactions (5.5%+5.5%).


After phase 2. you will also get 50% of bitcoin mining rewards as $BTCB. Our team has every investment as top priority for growth and stability and most of the 10% company liquidity is used to fight against P&D whales, which means extra rewards for you. Thus, we have created a massive reward system for our holders to love and enjoy the power of extended income for holding $MBC.

MegaBitcoin Roadmap

  • Phase 1. of $MBC

  • Development of MegaBitcoin
    Smart Contract Creation
    ( 11% BTC Rewards & Auto Liqudity pool)
    Launch Website
    Develop community on (Telegram,Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, TicToc, ECT)
    Create Pre-sale on ( PinkSale) Finance
    ( Lock 90% Liquidity for (6 Months)
    Audit & KYC badge
    Poocoin advertising & Increased Marketing
    Public Launch on Pancake Swap V2
    Listing on Coin Gecko & Coin Market Cap
  • Phase 2. of $MBC

  • 100,000 holders
    Bitcoin Miners to Increase more Rewards for holders of MBC
    Creation of Bitcoin Credit Cards ( lower transaction rates for holders of mbc )
    $500 BTC Drop Every Month to one Random Selected Holder of MBC
    Expansion of Development Team
    Website Redesign
    Network Marketing Program
  • Phase 3. of $MBC

  • 500,000 holders
    Introducing Personal Crypto Loans. (terms and Regulations Apply)
    Increased liquidity limits on Bitcoin Credit Cards
    Marketing exchange for Rewards tokens
    ( audited & KYC Only )
    ​24 hour live chat ( experienced and beginners ) of cryptocurrency
    Listings on Major Exchanges
    Live Monthly Raffles for Holders of MBC
    Live Monthly RRD – Random Reward Drops of BTC ( for Holders of MBC)

MegaBitcoin Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Cameron Sass
Head of Operations
Hugh V. Jarvis
Chief Executive
Garrett Hrabchak
Marketing Manager
Trenten Lee
Director of Content

MegaBitcoin Letzte Nachrichten

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