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Medibond ist eine hochmoderne, tokenisierte kryptographische Plattform der nächsten Generation, die dazu beiträgt, Innovationen im Pharma-, Versicherungs- und Gesundheitssektor hervorzubringen. Medibond ist bestrebt, die Interaktion zwischen den größten Akteuren des Gesundheitswesens zu verbessern, um die Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen für Endnutzer effizienter und sicherer zu machen.
100% abgeschlossen
$1 020
0% limit abgeschlossen
Limit 200 000 000.00
  • 4000 MEDI
    1 ETH
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
United Kingdom
Weitere Details

Über MediBond

Hier ist, was uns von den anderen unterscheidet


Die vollständige Implementierung eines trinären Multisignaturprotokolls das erfordert eine Abmeldung von allen Parteien (Versicherung, Apotheken, Ärzte) an der Transaktion beteiligt. Dies wird zur Verfügung stellen Datenintegrität für Transaktionen im Gesundheitswesen und Betrugsprävention, um Halten Sie den Prozess der Verschreibungen transparent.

Verwaltung medizinischer Unterlagen

Kryptografisches Sichern des Speichers und Verschlüsseln des Übertragung aller medizinischen Daten über Krankenhäuser, Apotheken, Versicherungen, alles auf der Blockchain. Mehrfachsignaturabmeldung erforderlich für die Weitergabe von Daten an Dritte.

Künstliche Intelligenz

Wir bauen unser neuronales Netzwerk auf, um auf medizinische Daten geschult zu werden von Personen auf der Blockchain um intelligent zu sein Einblicke in medizinische Fachkräfte, die sie bei der Eingrenzung unterstützen Diagnose für Patienten und schnelle Identifizierung potenzieller Risiken Faktoren früh.

MediBond Roadmap

  • Whitepaper

  • We will release our Whitepaper on July 18th.
  • Weißes Papier

  • Wir werden unser Whitepaper am 18. Juli veröffentlichen.
  • Token Sale launch

  • Our Token Sale will begin on August 4th at 12:00 a.m. UTC.
  • Token-Verkaufsstart

  • Unser Token Sale beginnt am 4. August um 12:00 Uhr UTC.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Token-Verkaufsende

  • Wenn wir unsere Obergrenze noch nicht erreicht haben, endet unser Markenverkauf am 4. September um 12:00 Uhr. KOORDINIERTE WELTZEIT.
  • Tokenverteilung und Netzwerkstart

  • Tokens werden an Investoren, Affiliates und jegliche Prämien ausgezahlt. Alle verbleibenden Tokens werden zerstört und das MediBond-Netzwerk wird gestartet. Wir werden an mehreren Börsen für den Start des Netzwerks notiert sein.
  • Entwicklung eines Verifikationssystems

  • Wir werden unser Verifizierungssystem weiterentwickeln und dabei Beiträge von führenden Akteuren aus der Pharma- und Versicherungsbranche sowie von Krankenhäusern und Hausärzten einholen.
  • Entwicklung des Medical Records Managements

  • Wir werden mit der Arbeit am Medical Records Management beginnen und weiterhin mit den Akteuren der Branche zusammenarbeiten, damit die Einführung in den Testphasen so schnell wie möglich erfolgen kann.
  • Entwicklung eines KI-Neuronalen Netzes

  • Wir werden die Implementierung unseres AI Neural Network fortsetzen. Der größte Teil der Logik ist bereits abgeschlossen, und die Implementierung dieser Logik wird nach der Fertigstellung unserer medizinischen Aufzeichnungsfunktion folgen, die als Trainingsdaten für unser neuronales Netzwerk dienen wird. Wir werden mit Industriestandards arbeiten, um auf vielen Formen von medizinischen Daten einschließlich MRI-Ergebnissen, Bluttestergebnissen und Patientenprofilen zu trainieren.

MediBond Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ben Steffens
Founder & President
Prachi Karapurkar
Lead Developer
Ketan Kamat
Senior Developer
Vinil Prabhu
Strategy & PR
Darshana Nagekar


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

James Billot
Co-Founder & Advisor

MediBond Interviews

What’s the difference between MediBond and other Health Care Tokens?
Essentially we are trying to bridge the gap in healthcare information technology essentially between insurance companies, hospitals, and pharmacies, especially as it relates to claim backs with prescriptions and other issues that arise where it would be much better to have a 3 way sign off between all entities to avoid claim backs which pharmacies and insurances both suffer time from having to deal with as well as save time between pharmacists and doctors so no communication further than the minimum required will be necessary and overall just trying to transition to a blockchain based system for healthcare data. One thing that I believe separates us distinctly is our vision to bring A.I. into healthcare on the blockchain, allowing access with the patients permission to use their medical data as it relates to personal profile, medical exams, symptoms and their subsequent diagnosis and train our neural network so that medical professionals can quickly narrow down possible diagnosis for patients in the future as well as treatment plans that may be more suitable given the patient's background, DNA, personal profile. The more data we have the better our A.I. will continue to learn and perform.
What happens if the Cap (200 MM Tokens) is reached?
If we reach the cap, then there won't be any leftovers from the 200MM Supply, and will be finalized. All extra tokens, either from the 80% delegated to the Token Sale (unsold ones) or the ones delegated to certain bonuses (unused), will be destroyed at distribution to investors. Only leftovers from the 1% reserved to bounties and the 5% for the development fund will carry over but those will mostly be held by our team, not released onto the market when we are listed by exchanges.
Is the problem one that needs to be solved or is the project creating an unnecessary problem?
MediBond aims to solve a variety of problems in the healthcare industry, particularly in the US, by using the Blockchain. They want to reduce prescription fraud schemes, secure patient medical data more efficiently and even build a neural network to help diagnose illnesses more quickly. These are all real issues that many health insurance companies as well as practices and pharmacies have to deal with. The real question is whether the idea is solid enough to solve these problems.
What is the technology and what has the team already developed?
We have developed MediBond for iOS - the world’s first blockchain app that is integrated with Apple’s Health Kit. MediBond is available now for free on all iOS devices, try it for yourself now. In addition to this, we not only have a detailed technical presentation where we go through our features in detail, but we also give a working demo of the AI neural network (proof of concept) towards the end of the video. We hope to be in testing with our partners by early 2018 and then go to expos and conferences for pharmacies and doctors/insurance companies and begin an exclusive invite list for them to trail our platform.
How will the company make money?
MediBond tokens will be used on the platform to purchase storage and to pay for computations that Doctors will do through the neural network (predictive analysis/narrowing of diagnosis and treatment plans based on patient profiles), they plan on taking a small fee yet to be determined in MediBond tokens for each purchase of storage/computational power that will be used by customers. There is a lot of money in the healthcare industry inefficiently allocated so it would seem that this is the kind of service they could easily charge money for.
Is the team talented and do they have any previous experience?
I have spoken with a lot of the team through their Slack and Telegram chat and they all seem very helpful and eager to answer any questions and work well as a team. Their full profiles and LinkedIn accounts are available on their website and although they are relatively new to the game they seem competent and are bringing on advisors in the industry after the ICO finishes.
Is there any relevant competition?
There is some valid competition in the area of medical records storage (e.g. Blockhead Health and Patientory) however neither of them really address the problem of fraud between pharmacies, doctors, insurances neither do they have a neural network to assist with predictive diagnosis or treatment plans, whilst MediBond have a working proof of concept demo of the latter and have presented it in their team presentation video.
What coins do you accept?
We are only accepting Ethereum during the ICO.
When will be MediBond tokens be delivered?
Once your ETH payment has arrived you will receive your MediBond Tokens instantly.

MediBond Letzte Nachrichten

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MediBond aims to change the way the medical industry works by providing more transparent, secure information exchanges between three major players in the healthcare world: insurance companies, healthcare organizations, and pharmacies. The blockchain-based platform will facilitate the storage and exchange of data using features like multi-signature sign-offs, which will be required for all major transactions – say, when a doctor sends a prescription to a pharmacist.

At this point, there’s limited information about MediBond available online. The company’s whitepaper is 4 pages long. The website just features basic information about the three core MediBond features (data management, the AI neural network, and the verification system). Aside from that, there’s limited information about MediBond available online.

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