Mecha Infinity

Mecha Infinity

Created using Figma
Mecha Infinity is a Play-to-Earn game where players can control their robots known as Mechas to explore in the universe, engage in battles and compete with each other.
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Über Mecha Infinity

The company MEC is dedicated to the technological research of human consciousness control of Mecha warriors, aiming to accomplish high-risk exploration work in a combined human-machine mode within an unknown environment, but initially experimented only for actual combat in the virtual network environment. After the rise of blockchain technology, a full blockchain technology upgrade was also followed, and a new entrance of Metaverse was discovered during this period of time. After thorough preparation work was completed, the First Expeditionary Force with an establishment of 14,000 people carried their hope and stepped into this mysterious realm. After the disappearance of the last figure, something unexpected happened, the entrance was closed instantly, every connection between Expeditionary Force was disconnected. Through daily in-depth repair of the researchers, the communication was rebuilt temporarily, and a short message was received afterwards. Then it was disconnected once again...

Mecha Infinity Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Chief Game Designer

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