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The Mashida team is developing a unified Social Space and Game world in which users can engage, play, and market their own assets, as well as acquire experience while playing and interacting socially with MSHD, the ultimate platform utility token.
MSHD owners can also participate in the governance of the platform through the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where they can vote on significant Mashida ecosystem decisions.
Mashida intends to expand blockchain with a primary focus on Social and gaming, luring crypto and non-crypto enthusiasts into a single ecosystem by giving the benefits of actual ownership, digital scarcity, monetization capabilities, and interoperability.
Mashida has acquired collaborations with Monster Group, Anoman Studio, and Beelli Soft in order to develop a social interaction platform and "Play and Earn" game that emphasizes human contact and user-to-user pleasure.
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MVP / Prototyp
Binance Smartchain

Über Mashida

The Mashida team is developing a unified Social Space and Game world in which users can engage, play, and market their own assets, as well as acquire experience while playing and interacting socially with MSHD, the ultimate platform utility token.

MSHD owners can also participate in the governance of the platform through the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where they can vote on significant Mashida ecosystem decisions.

Mashida intends to expand blockchain with a primary focus on Social and gaming, luring crypto and non-crypto enthusiasts into a single ecosystem by giving the benefits of actual ownership, digital scarcity, monetization capabilities, and interoperability.

Mashida has acquired collaborations with Monster Group, Anoman Studio, and Beelli Soft in order to develop a social interaction platform and “Play and Earn” game that emphasizes human contact and user-to-user pleasure.

Mashida is a Crypto Token and a Web3 Platform that contains a Virtual world and Social and Game application features that are interconnected, and people can interact virtually, work, play, and meet based on activity and interaction, can transact peer to peer, application owners and users are referred to as the Mashida Army, with NFT as profile identities and assets on the platform, which can be used, sold, bought, and transferred to other use cases.

Mashida is a BEP20 token that operates on the BNB Smart Chain network.

Mashida Roadmap

  • Presale

  • Presale with pinksale

Mashida Mannschaft

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Agli Chandra Pratama
Hida Aldric

Mashida Interviews

Agli Chandra Pratama
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in this project is Blockchain Developer
What do you think about idea?
we will make this project about interact, play and earn in the web3 world
Hida Aldric
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in the ICO project is Chief Executive Officer
What do you think about idea?
I want to make this project about interact, play and earn in the web3 world

Mashida Letzte Nachrichten

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