Marksman Swap

Marksman Swap

Created using Figma
Sniping & Trading tools for all DEXs
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Marksman Swap


Taking you to the moon, but faster and safer.

Snipe new listing tokens, create your own automated strategy, secure your profits.

Mempool Sniper

Fastest bot type on the market. Same block as liquidity sniping. 



Access all the major crypto swaps on one platform, snipe tokens in the first places, secure your profits.
Everything at the best prices on the market.


Don't waste money on high trading fees and slippage.

Best prices, lowest fees, zero spread. By using mempool scanning the swap fees are reduced to a minimum for every snipe.


Don’t give up control of your private keys.

Your key, your control. Simply connect your wallet and execute your order across any major swaps.


Don't buy or sell unless you're getting the best price.

Buy or sell your assets at the best price, every time. MarksmanSwap aggregates all trading features and parameters to give you the best price possible.


 Node Infrastructure

We help you set your own full nodes that allow 0 ms latency between you and blockchain.



Marksman is local, rather than using another thirdparty interaction, to maximize speed you control your bot on your personal machine.



Trade on your own terms. All parameters are 100% configurable, no limits



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