Manta Ray

Manta Ray

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We are a green start-up looking to help the planet and enhance the way Electric Vehicles (EV) chargi.
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Über Manta Ray


We are Manta Ray. We believe that the way that EV charging Networks work today is inadequate and will not grow to cope with the regulatory targets set by governments and driven by climate change crisis.

Manta Ray believes that by enabling access to private home charging points in an autonomous community with incentives we can enable the global Electric Vehicles to grow at the rate demanded by the public and regulation. Provide a community-driven and owned organization enabled by Web3 technology will provide a neutral marketplace for the fragmented public, workplace and fleet networks giving a ubiquitous experience for EV Driver everywhere.

The community that relies on Manta Ray users to contribute to the network by owning and building it, ensuring the network always serves the needs of its users, instead of a centrally-controlled corporation.

And because the community of contributors earns ownership and control of Manta Ray through its native MREV token for their contributions to the network and its growth, new contributors have participated in the network at record speeds.

Using the MREV Tokenomics and the Manta Ray Nexus Program it will also connect workplace, fleet and public EV networks to give a single autonomous network for drivers globally.

Our mission is to create an autonomous user-owned community marketplace that connects EV Drivers with EV Charging Point Hosts.

We are Manta Ray. We believe that the way that EV charging Networks work today is inadequate and will grow to cope with the regulatory targets set by governments and driven by the climate change crisis. We believe that by enabling access to private home charging points in a autonomous community we incentives will enable the global Electric Vehicles to grow at the rate demanded by the public and regulation. Provide a community-driven and owned organization enabled by Web3 technology will provide a neutral marketplace for the fragmented public, workplace and fleet networks giving a ubiquitous experience for EV Driver everywhere.

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