Magic Cake

Magic Cake

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Magic Cake is BSC token with build-in smart rebase protocol, where the system automatically updates and adjusts the tokens’ supply to equal the demand. At the same time, it rewards holders with $CAKE as reflections from transaction tax.
To be announced
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Über Magic Cake

Why invest in Magic Cake ?

Combining the power of smart Rebase protocol and popular Cake token. $MagicCake is different from traditional BSC tokens in the marketplace. The smart protocol will adjust the supply with a specific target price, to protect the token price from falling, especially from whale dumps & panic sells. Auto align with market supply and demand changes, adjust with contracted supply in response to the decrease in price. The systems will ever-increasing the Liquidity pool, continue building and strengthening the price floor throughout the process. In addition, our holders will be rewarded with the popular $CAKE token, further increase our Magic Cake holder value and token demand.

MagicCAKE redistribution

MagicCAKE is rewarding holders by converting 5% of transaction taxes to $CAKE and redistribute. Holders simply hold $MagicCake,then automatically receive $CAKE in their wallets. It's Auto-Claim system without manual actions required.

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