Luxy Bones

Luxy Bones

Created using Figma
The Luxy Bones have been wandering for eternity trying to find their place in this world, they are prepared to defeat anyone who gets in their way, they are warriors and they try to get out of the place where they are. Different raffles will be carried out periodically and all holders of at least 1 nft can participate. Just enter our twitter, Instagram, telegram and Discord networks, follow us, to participate, just leave your wallet in the comments if you have purchased a Luxy Bones.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Luxy Bones
Eingetragenes Land
Firma gegründet
Feb 1, 2023
Weitere Details

Über Luxy Bones

Phase I: Creation of the 5,000 Luxy Bones nft’s.

Phase II: Lottery The lottery will be held periodically after the Luxy Bones mint and all holders of at least 1 nft will participate in the lottery.

2 nintendo switches

1 Xbox Series S/X

PC Gamer

1 PS5

Phase III: Some donations will be made to various animal rescue centers, each donation will be posted on our networks

Phase IV: A token related to the nft collection will be created, which will be sent to the different owners of one of our nfts.

Luxy Bones Roadmap

  • Luxy Bones

  • The Luxy Bones have been wandering for eternity trying to find their place in this world, they are prepared to defeat anyone who gets in their way, they are warriors and they try to get out of the place where they are. Different raffles will be carried out periodically and all holders of at least 1 nft can participate. Just enter our twitter, Instagram, telegram and Discord networks, follow us, to participate, just leave your wallet in the comments if you have purchased a Luxy Bones.

    Phase I: Creation of the 5,000 Luxy Bones nft’s.

    Phase II: Lottery The lottery will be held periodically after the Luxy Bones mint and all holders of at least 1 nft will participate in the lottery.
    2 nintendo switches

    1 Xbox Series S/X

    PC Gamer

    1 PS5

    Phase III: Some donations will be made to various animal rescue centers, each donation will be posted on our networks
    Phase IV: A token related to the nft collection will be created, which will be sent to the different owners of one of our nfts.

Luxy Bones Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Manuel S

Luxy Bones Letzte Nachrichten

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