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LIKO is not just a cryptocurrency, it is a link between Liko Group projects, such as Liko Social Network, Likoland NFT marketplace, L-wallet payment system and much more.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
15% Investors
10% Team
1.5% Airdrop
1.5% Observers
5% Marketing
25% Reserve
17% Liquidity pool
25% Social Network LIKO
Weitere Details


In the conditions of the dynamically developing sphere of information technologies and the universal and universal capitalization of various spheres of human activity, less and less efforts are directed at the development of a high-quality life of society, solving its problems of inequality and social exclusion. Basically, all modern information resources, social networks, blogs and video hosting are aimed at extracting personal material benefits, or are unable to qualitatively influence and change our lives for the better. Based on publicly available analytical data and statements by well-known personalities in the field of creating social networks and entertainment portals, it can be argued that social networks in their existing form are more destructive. Analyzing the time spent by users on social networks, there is a negative character of wasted time and, as a result, the lack of a useful result.

Being aware of this problem and the dynamics of the deterioration of society's life, especially taking into account the consequences of the Cold-19 pandemic, it is more correct to use the available information technologies and resources to solve a variety of social and economic problems. Given the steady growth of Internet users and the demand for social projects, this solution is becoming very relevant and innovative in the current context. The direction in solving this issue is the redistribution of opportunities, resources and needs of society within a single information network. Everyone is able to realize their talents and skills not only at work, but also in solving their daily issues.

The LIKO token was created specifically for the crypto-social network Liko. Users of which will exchange, share, donate and sponsor LIKO tokens to other users. Also, with the help of the token, users can develop their advertising products, such as creating their own online store, creating advertising companies for their brand or simply customizing their profile.

Also, the LIKO Metaverse will have its own NFT marketplace, in which each user will be able to create their own unique NFT token and put it up for sale. Liko is not just a social network - it is unlimited opportunities for each of you.

Liko - a unique project based o interaction between people,  marketplace and its own crypto currency, which can be earned in the application and displayed on exchanges. The application allows users to upload media files that can be edited using filters and organized using hashtags and geographical labels. Messages can be shared publicly or with preapproved subscribers.


  • 1Q 2022

  • - Creating an idea
    - Competitor analysis
    - Exploring an idea
    - Start of development
    - The first prototype of the MVP
  • 2Q 2022

  • - Perspective analysis
    - Technical implementation possibilities
    - Writing a token smart contract
    - Tokenomics Analysis and Approval
    - Creating the first version of the social network website
    - Implementation and testing of site systems
    - NFT marketplace development
  • 3Q 2022

  • - Development of the network’s internal marketplace
    - Launching your own NFT marketplace
    - Creating a unique NFT collection
    - Pancakeswap Liquidity Pool
    - The beginning of the development of the Liqpay wallet
  • Q1 2023

  • - Listing on the Coinmarketcap exchange
    - Listing on the Kucoin exchange
    - full turnover of LIKO tokens
    - Launching the LIKO metaverse
    - Blockchain Development for the LIKO Network

LIKO TOKEN Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Alex P.
Alina K.
Diana D.
Design and Layout

LIKO TOKEN Letzte Nachrichten

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