Legends Of Cryptonia

Legends Of Cryptonia

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Legends Of Cryptonia Social NFT meta-game
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To be announced

Über Legends Of Cryptonia

Legends Of Cryptonia Social NFT meta-game experiment driven like a paper RPG. It means NFT owners are part of the concept, can give ideas or request for actions on their NFTs, for exemple if you have a full supply of a NFT character you can request an “evolved” character on Discord, and burn all the NFTs for receive a unique evolved one.

 The heart of Cryptonia concept is a story written on discord where NFT owners have the possibility to make choices on wich way and actions to do depending of their roles. All is driven like a paper RPG so there are no real limit on what can happen in the project, it’s about playing with the rules of the blockchain directly and the NFTs ecosystems.

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