Lawrencium Token

Lawrencium Token

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Lawrencium is a decentralized marketplace for providing professional digital assets, resources and services that we believe will be very useful for a large class of service providers/buyers with the power of blockchain.
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Lawrencium Token Roadmap

  • 2020 - Q3

  • Lawrencium ecosystem idea and establishing the core team.
  • 2020 - Q4

  • Built up the team.
    Preparing and designing frontend for the marketplace.
    Starting work on marketplace framework.
    Preparing the backend as well as the legal and accounting solutions for the token launch.
  • 2021 - Q1

  • Development and documentation of Lawrencium marketplace.
    Lawrencium marketplace and Lawrencium (XLW) Token tests started.
    Lawrencium proof-of-concept (PoC) started.
    Advisor Program launched with 10 advisors.
  • 2021 - Q2

  • Released Whitepaper & Business Whitepaper.
    Lawrencium Token (XLW) website launched.
    Lawrencium Token (XLW) social media accounts created.
    Activated community
    Bounty program with 15 bounties and 50.000.000 XLW tokens offered.
    Lawrencium Token (XLW) pre-sale started.
  • Weiterlesen
  • 2021 - Q3

  • Providing Pancakeswap liquidity.
    ‍Establishing the partnership with exchanges and organizations.
    Listing Lawrencium (XLW) Token on major exchanges.
    Start negotiation with exchange.
    Start negotiation with Hotbit exchange.
    Start negotiation with MXC exchange.
  • 2021 - Q4

  • Airdrop of Lawrencium (XLW) token.
    Announcement of the marketplace launching
    Starting trade on Lawrencium platform with limited invitation for BETA tests.
  • 2022 - Q1

  • Lawrencium marketplace launching.
    Marketing for getting service providers on the marketplace.

Lawrencium Token Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Joshua Keely

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