Lavish Leopards

Lavish Leopards

Created using Figma
Become a part of the most Lavish community in Web3!
To be announced
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Über Lavish Leopards

What Happens When Elegance Meets Fashion?
The LLC Collection consists of 5,555 extremely limited and meticulously detailed pieces of art. Each NFT is unique and will serve as your entry ticket into a top-tier, exclusive community where everyone thrives.

Legendary Leopards
All great art collections have a centerpiece and that’s why we have introduced our Legendary Leopards. These 12 limited edition leopards are among the finest pieces in our collection. Our artists completely customized these legendary one of ones, and they were perfected to be a creative statement for any investor.

Lavish Leopards Access Pass
Holding a Lavish Leopards Club NFT comes with infinite perks. Holders are entitled to exclusive up and coming free mint projects, weekly giveaways and so much more.


Giving Back
The Lavish Leopards Club wants to give back to multiple charities and that is exactly what we are going to do. One charity in particular, the Snow Leopards Trust, is fighting against the extinction of Snow Leopards. There is no better feeling than giving back and the LLC community can make a huge difference. Community votes will be held to decide which charities will be benefited. LLC aren't stopping there! All future drops will also be directly supporting the causes we believe in.


Community Spotlight
The founders of LLC are social media experts, and they want everyone who has a dream, a Youtube channel, an Instagram account, or any other business model to be nourished by the community. We have decided to feature the most interesting projects run by members of our community. You will not only be able to discuss your business but also gain access to more customers, create ideas and network with other LLC owners. Our goal is to become the most powerful and exclusive community you will ever be a part of!


We want this project to be more than just an NFT collection. We have decided to develop an extremely exclusive merchandise release that will be strictly reserved for our holders. Only the true holders can wear it to show that you are an official member of the Lavish Leopards Club.


Expanding the Kingdom
Holding a Lavish Leopards Club NFT will come with infinite benefits, such as early whitelist opportunities for partner projects and our Male Leopards Release. We intend to release a limited run of Jungle King Leopards, with original holders receiving priority mint for future drops. Furthermore, we will airdrop Junior Leopards to every wallet holding both a male and female leopard, for free! 


NFTs are much more than just profile pictures, which is why we want to incorporate real utility into our project. By allowing you to stake your NFT for rewards, we're offering a passive income source for all of our holders. We will be launching our own token for holders to use, and anyone who stakes their NFT will be airdropped tokens on a monthly basis (the more you stake, the more you make). These tokens can be liquidated at any time and will be your passive income ticket for as long as you want.


Community Fund
We appreciate everyone who joins the Lavish Leopards community and want to give you the opportunity to launch your own project! We plan to create a community fund to reinvest in our holders' business ideas and Web3 projects. The community will be able to vote on project ideas that they believe in, and the top ones will be financed.


So Much More!
When it comes to Web3 and the future of NFT, the sky is the limit. That being said, we are a strong community that will continue to make our imprint and grow since things in this space are only getting started. By participating in the Lavish Leopards Club Discord Server, our holders will be entered into a weekly lottery where they may win a variety of rewards. We are grateful to each and every one of you who has chosen to join this prestigious club, and we can't wait to see what the future "holds" for you!


Lavish Leopards Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Drake Shurkin
Luke Shurkin
Hafiz Jabarov (Henry...
3D Artist
Aysel Mammadova (Ali...
Art & Marketing Director
Jordan Skuse

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