LaKa Token

LaKa Token

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Laka an Entrance Gateway to the Blockchain World. An integrated metaverse complex offering beneficial services and technologies including Defi, Gamefi, wallet, exclusive DAP and so on, with the user friendly interface
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Über LaKa Token

All in One Complex
Users can find all their required services of participating in crypto space through LaKa platform.

Extreme Security
LaKa team tries their best for a fully secured environment as Financial services should be provided with extreme security.

Community Based Platform
Any development on LaKa protocol is carried out after voting in community to have an improving environment.

LKC, the native token of the LAKA platform is a community-based governance token for LAKA ecosystem. All services of LAKA Platform will be available by LAKA token and LKC should be paid as the native currency of the platform.

Also, only LKC holders can participate in governance of LAKA platform by voting for and against the proposals which are suggested for further development on LAKA platform.

Implemented voting mechanism will let the token holders to decide for next step in LAKA and helps token holders to participate in the project, actively.

Also voting possibility will provide an environment in which, unique ideas and proposals are suggested and put for voting.
This will help the platform to be kept growing and improving, constantly.

LaKa Token Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Peter Aniela
Peier A.
Anna A.

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