Lady Miners

Lady Miners

Created using Figma
Ladyminers is a browser game designed to enable the farming and collection of NFTs (BSC) that can be used in a strategy game (RPG) based on the conquest of spaces and control of resources.
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Über Lady Miners

Ladyminers will allow the production of assets that can be traded in the Binance Smart Chain, enabling the creation of rewards in a metaverse that will allow the mining of resources, the exchange of NFTs, bets and challenges between players.

The Ladyminers economy will gravitate around a native token that will be powered on the BEP-20 network of the Binance Smart Chain. Players and holders will be able to acquire miners, wagons, tools or prospecting and exploration skills. The development of this project has considered the successes and failures of other Play-to-Earn games. This prompted us to project a structure focused on community governance that prioritizes the stability of the economic ecosystem, its interoperability and interoperability.

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