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Kyber Network makes DeFi easy, fast and secure. is our multichain Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and aggregator providing the best rates for traders in DeFi and maximizing returns for liquidity providers in all of DeFi. KyberSwap powers 100+ integrated projects and has facilitated over $10B worth of transactions for thousands of users since its inception. Currently deployed across 14 chains including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Cronos, Arbitrum, Velas, Aurora, Oasis, BitTorrent, Optimism and Solana.
To be announced
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Plattform, Austausch

Über Kyberswap

Kyber Network is building a world to make DeFi accessible, safe and rewarding for users. Our flagship product, KyberSwap, is a next-gen DEX aggregator providing the best rates for traders and maximizing returns for liquidity providers in DeFi.

For liquidity providers, KyberSwap has a suite of capital efficient protocols designed to optimize rewards. KyberSwap Classic's protocol is DeFi's first market maker protocol that dynamically adjusts liquidity provider (LP) fees based on market conditions, while KyberSwap Elastic is a tick-based AMM with concentrated liquidity, customizable fee tiers, reinvestment curve and other advanced features specially designed to give LPs the flexibility and tools to take your earning strategy to the next level without compromising on security.

KyberSwap powers 100+ integrated projects and has facilitated over US$17 billion worth of transactions for thousands of users since its inception.

Currently deployed on 13 chains, including Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, Cronos, Arbitrum, BitTorrent, Velas, Aurora, Oasis, Optimism, and Solana. KyberSwap aggregates liquidity from over 80 DEXs to give users the best rates possible for their swaps.

KyberSwap's solution suite was conceived with the goal of creating an open and decentralized liquidity backbone for the DeFi ecosystem. Through a combination of solutions, KyberSwap is able to optimize capital efficiency across DEXes while simultaneously ensuring the best rates for traders and maximum yield for LPs. Built on the principles of open access to decentralized financial infrastructure, the KyberSwap solution suite enables value in the DeFi space to be compounded sustainably through aligning liquidity incentives.

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