

Created using Figma
Meet the safest crypto wallet
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Kryptonio

Create your wallet in less than a minute, without seed phrases, private keys, passwords or documents. Keep your bitcoin and digital assets always secure and recoverable.


Secure wallet, without private keys

We’ve created a keyless wallet, so you don’t have to worry about managing private keys or safely storing seed phrases anymore. We use advanced cryptography and facial biometrics to provide the ultimate security and simplicity. 


Unparalleled safety

Lost your device? Deleted our app? Got a new phone? No matter what happens, your digital assets are safe and you can always recover them by scanning your face.


All your crypto in one wallet

We support Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, BNB, Ethereum Classic and another 20+ stablecoins and ERC20 tokens. 


You are in complete control

Kryptonio is a non-custodial wallet, which means that you’re in control of your digital assets. You are the only one that can initiate a transaction to send, buy, sell or convert your cryptocurrencies.


The only wallet you will ever need 


Buy & sell with USD, EUR


Convert Instantlly


Custom alerts


Real-time charts & historical data


Live Support

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