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Koinbasket is user friendly investment interface that builds well researched and diversified crypto portfolios for investors. Its primary objective is to increase the probability of portfolio success and control risk by allocating funds to promising crypto projects spread across different crypto industries, themes and ideas.
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Über KoinBasket

We aim to accelerate mass adoption of crypto investing for the next billion users. At KoinBasket, we make crypto investments easy, simple and accessible for everyone. There are 300 million crypto investors globally and more than 10,000 projects available for them to invest in. Each project has its own mission, roadmap, tokenomics, community and leadership - thus, planning and tracking of investments is a major pain! KoinBasket aims to solve this particular challenge and investors simply download the KoinBasket app and can select from a variety of curated theme based baskets.

At Koinbasket, we believe, well-researched diversified investing for the long term is the way forward to creating wealth peacefully. The engine behind Koinbasket acts as a reliable fiduciary that collates complex crypto data, analyses it in view of the current market trends, past performance and valuation, and finally prepares ready-to-invest diversified crypto baskets that match an individual’s risk appetite, budget and investment philosophy.

Why KoinBasket?

KoinBasket is solving the challenge of analysing 1000's of crypto projects for >200 Mn crypto investors globally. Retail investors live in constant fear and self-doubt about their investment decisions made in the backdrop of social media frenzy and FOMO.

Furthermore, there are no asset management companies around the world to offer simple passive investment products like crypto mutual funds thus, stopping millions of fence sitters from getting started due to these apprehensions.


Security of Funds

KoinBasket empowers investors to seamlessly buy and sell crypto baskets via their respective crypto exchange accounts. Hence, the platform does not seek custody of funds and assets nor any trade execution rights.

Furthermore, KoinBasket does periodical health check of baskets by constantly scanning the crypto markets and trigger regular alerts on project red flags, new and better investment opportunities, market trends etc.


KoinBasket curates diversified crypto baskets around themes, trends and ideas that are easy to understand, affordable to invest and simple to manage for beginners and pros. Investors will be able to buy dozens of cryptos in a single click via auto-connected crypto exchanges.

Delightful experience

KoinBasket's deep collaborative partnership with crypto exchanges makes user On-boarding and the investment journey absolutely seamless and secure, by doing away the painful process of shuffling across multiple windows to manually extract and paste secret API keys to avail similar services at much higher cost and sour experience.

KoinBasket Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Khaleelulla Baig

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