

Created using Figma
The first AI yield farming aggregator on Binance Smart Chain & Solana.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • ApeSwap
    KRW/0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 2.277E-5
    $ 59.37
  • ApeSwap
    KRW/0X603C7F932ED1FC6575303D8FB018FDCBB0F39A95 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 2.209E-5
    $ 29.04
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    KRW/WBNB % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0024
    $ 350.451 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    KRW/BUSD % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0024
    $ 699.835 K
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über KingDeFi


The King offers a knight-friendly advanced analytics dashboard to monitor TVL growth across all of BSC’s and Solana’s DeFi projects, apply on-chain ratio analysis, identify newly listed projects and check historical performance.


The King shows his knights where to find the highest yielding and most consistent pools across all BSC and Solana yield optimizer projects.

KingDeFi Roadmap

  • 2021 q1

  • Market Overview go-live main dashboard
    An advanced analytics interface allowing knights to dive into the BSC DeFi market outlook. With 70+ projects already listed within an advanced UI, the Kingdom provides specific TVLs ratios and on-chain analysis.
  • q2

  • Pool Dashboard
    Innovative pool search interface, aggregating top performing pools & vaults in one place. The Kingdom allows knights to search and generate analytics across the best yield optimizers and aggregators.

    Initial Dex Offering with major BSC exchanges.

    Yield aggregator launch
    The King’s creation of the Kingdom’s own vaults and LPs.
  • q3

  • Double reward smart contracts launch
    Double reward farms launch, users will be able to stake KRW/TOKEN LPs and earn both currencies in reward.

    Release of auto-compounding functionality.

    Multi-chain bridge
    Bridge deployment, allowing users to swap KROWN tokens across multiple chains.

    Security management upgrade
    Improve overall infrastructure security: adding second layer of external auditors, improve internal audit processes, on-boarding cybersecurity advisor.
  • q4

  • Polygon & Ethereum farms contracts engineering
    Launch farms on ETH and Polygon with ERC20 tokens, expand partnerships with main Ethereum and Polygon DeFi Projects and DEXes.

    Multi-chain advanced portfolio analytics
    Portfolio analytics functionality for KROWN farmers monitoring multi-chain asset allocation, top performing yields and portfolio value.

    Portfolio tracking
    UI portfolio tracking interface deployment, allowing knights to monitor, control and view advanced portfolio analytics across their DeFi project investments.

    Solana farms contracts engineering
    Re-engineering current solidity contracts into Rust: Solana programming language.

    Solana farms offering expansion and new partnerships
    Launch Solana farms and expand partnerships with main DeFi Projects on Solana network.

    FTDP contracts
    FTDP (Fixed Term Deposit Pools) advanced smart contract “go-live”.
  • Weiterlesen
  • 2022 q1

  • Cardano engineering expansion
    Start POC of Haskell smart contracts (Cardano programming language) in order to be one of the first projects to leverage future Cardano DeFi ecosystem launch.

    Mobile App IOS & Android
    iOS and Android mobile application development.

KingDeFi Mannschaft

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King Arthur
CEO & Founder
Sir Griflet
Smart Contracts Engineer
Sir Dinadan
Smart Contracts Engineer
Sir Tristan
TA algorithmic trading engineer
Sir Percival
Back-end engineer
Sir Lamorak
Front-end engineer
Sir Lancelot
Marketing & Sales


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Sir Leodegrance
Strategy & Advisory
Sir Safir
Cybersecurity Advisor

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