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Letztes Update


KIBIS ist eine sichere, schnelle und effiziente Option, mit der Menschen jederzeit und überall auf Finanzdienstleistungen zugreifen können.

Unser facettenreiches Projekt umfasst Self-Service-Kioske, Blockchain-Architektur, Werbeeinnahmen und Kryptowährungs-Mining.

KIBIS coin wird mit unserem e-Wallet-Zahlungsnetzwerk Markttransaktionen, Auftragsabwicklung und Zahlungen mit hohem Durchsatz dezentralisieren.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
  • 1 KIBIS
    0.5 USD
2,500,000,000 KIBIS
28% allocated to the public contributors who send ETH to the smart contract address
56% Reward Coins
8% allocated to founders and core team members, locked in a smart contract with a 12-month vesting period
4% allocated to advisors 4% allocated to reserve
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Eingetragenes Land
United Kingdom
Firma gegründet
Oct 22, 2018
Weitere Details


KIBIS ist ein innovativer Kioskanbieter und -betreiber, der plant, der wichtigste Zahlungsanbieter für Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu werden. Mit Kiosks und einer Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen wird KIBIS zu einer sicheren, schnellen und effizienten Option für den einfachen Zugang zu Finanzdienstleistungen, wann immer und wo immer sie möchten. KIBIS-Kioske werden für Zahlungen verwendet, z. B. zum Bezahlen einer Stromrechnung oder zum Aufladen von Guthaben auf einem Mobiltelefon sowie zum Kauf von Gutscheinen für den Austausch von Kryptowährungen.

Kioske werden an gut zugänglichen Orten wie Einkaufszentren, Plätzen und beliebten Sehenswürdigkeiten aufgestellt. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit für geschäftliche Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen, die ihre Selbstbedienungskioske nutzen, um ihre Marken fast täglich bei Millionen potenzieller Kunden zu bewerben. Wir starten einen eigenen Dienstprogramm-Token in der Ethereum-Blockchain, mit dem unsere Benutzergemeinschaft Teil eines universellen, dezentralisierten Zahlungsnetzwerks werden kann. Mit der KIBIS-Münze können unsere Benutzer Transaktionen an den SB-Kiosks tätigen und Rabatte bei unseren Diensteanbietern und Werbetreibenden erhalten. Darüber hinaus wird durch die Bereitstellung von Belohnungsmarken über einen Zeitraum von 36 Monaten der intrinsische Wert der Münze erhöht, was den Teilnehmern jeden Monat zugute kommt.

KIBIS hat ein weit verbreitetes und schwerwiegendes Problem erkannt, das mit den bestehenden Technologie- und Zahlungsnetzwerken nicht gelöst werden konnte. Mit unseren innovativen Selbstzahlungskiosken haben wir eine Lösung gefunden, die Millionen von Menschen mit Finanzdienstleistungen versorgt. Eine, die die Spitzentechnologie voll ausnutzt, die in den nächsten Jahren die Grundlagen der derzeitigen Zahlungsinfrastruktur überarbeiten wird.


Unser vielseitiges Projekt umfasst Self-Service-Kioske, Blockchain-Architektur, Werbeeinnahmen und Kryptowährungs-Mining. KIBIS coin wird mit unserem e-Wallet-Zahlungsnetzwerk Markttransaktionen, Auftragsabwicklung und Zahlungen mit hohem Durchsatz dezentralisieren. Alle unsere Selbstbedienungskioske werden mit Bergbaumaschinen ausgestattet. Wir werden Zugang zu kostengünstigem Strom haben, der es KIBIS ermöglicht, einen effizienten und prominenten Bergbaubecken zu errichten. eine neue und unabhängige Einnahmequelle.

Technische Information

Es wird zahlreiche Anwendungen und eine hohe Häufigkeit von Zustandsübergängen geben, die derzeit im Ethereum-Hauptnetz nicht möglich sind.

Deshalb werden wir unsere eigene Seitenkette oder einen anderen Partner mit einer anderen Initiative einrichten, die mit der Hauptkette mit einem vertrauenswürdigen oder vertrauenswürdigen Relais verbunden ist. Durch diesen Ansatz kann das KIBIS-Netzwerk in einem vernünftigen Umfang betrieben werden, während Benutzer weiterhin ihre digitalen Assets direkt besitzen und über ein Relais zurück in die Hauptkette übertragen können.

Der Off-Chain-Prozess bedeutet, dass die Transaktion KIBIS & rsquo durchquert. VPLS (Virtual Private Lan Service). Jede Transaktion erfordert eine elektronische Signatur von SHA1 + RSA. Senden des Gerätecodes (eindeutiger Code des in der Zahlungsakzeptanzsteckdose installierten Geräts) in jeder Packung mit der ursprünglichen Speicherung des Codes auf dem Server und weiterer Überprüfung. Wenn der Gerätecode in der Anforderung nicht mit dem gespeicherten Code übereinstimmt, werden die Pakete nicht gelöscht. Diese Art des Schutzes verhindert den Diebstahl von Kioskschlüsseln und deren Verwendung für betrügerische Zahlungen.

KIBIS Roadmap

  • Q3 2018

  • Registering the company in UK.
    Registering the company in Malta.
    Registering the company in UAE.
    Creating the White Paper.
    Creating the One Pager.
    Creating the Website.
    Creating the Video.
    Hire lawyers, complete paperwork.
    Receiving Legal Opinion on the KIBIS ICO.
  • Q4 2018

  • Website and social media release.
    Launch Pre-Registration.
    Launch Pre ICO.
    Launch ICO.
    End of ICO.
    ICO Investors KYC Verification.
  • Q2 2019

  • Order of Kiosks with Built-in.
    Mining Equipment (UAE).
    Apply for listing at exchange.
    Start of KIBIS payment processing.
    blockchain platform development.
    Mining Pool development.
    Signing agreements with locations in UAE.
    Launch KIBIS mining pool.
    Launching KIBIS payment processing.
    blockchain platform v 1.0.
  • Q4 2019

  • Order of Kiosks with Built-in Mining.
    Equipment (OMAN).
    Registering company in OMAN.
    Signing agreements with locations in OMAN.
    Deploying kiosk network in OMAN.
    Start KIBIS e-Wallet development.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q4 2019

  • Order of Kiosks with Built-in Mining.
    Equipment (KSA).
    Registering company in KSA.
    Signing agreements with locations in KSA.
    Deploying kiosk network in KSA.
  • Q1 2020

  • Order of Kiosks with Built-in Mining Equipment.
    Registering company in BAHRAIN.
    Signing agreements with locations in BAHRAIN.
    Deploying kiosk network in BAHRAIN.
    Launching KIBIS e-Wallet with over 2,000 services.
    Reward system launch.
  • Q2 2021

  • Order of Kiosks with Built-in Mining.
    Equipment (KUWAIT).
    Registering company in KUWAIT.
    Signing agreements with locations in KUWAIT.
    Deploying kiosk network in KUWAIT.
  • Q3 2021

  • Development of KIBIS Mining Equipment.
    Launch Public KIBIS Mining Pool.
  • Q4 2021

  • Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    UAE – 2,000 kiosks.
    Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Turkmenistan – 500 kiosks.
    Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Uzbekistan – 1,600 kiosks.
    Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Kyrgyzstan – 1,300 kiosks.
  • Q2 2022

  • Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Russia – 5,400 kiosks.
    Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Azerbaijan – 3,000 kiosks.
  • Q4 2022

  • Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Eastern Europe – 5,000 kiosks.
    Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Kazakhstan – 3,500 kiosks.
  • Q3 2023

  • Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Eastern Europe – 10,000 kiosks.
    Mining Infrastructure Procurement in
    Ukraine – 8,055 kiosks.

KIBIS Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Merdan Gurbanov
Vitaliy Snagovskiy
Raisa Amineva
Business Development Manager
Esen Asymbekov
Business Development Manager
Sharon Alindato
HR Manager
Michael Salisi
Chief Accountant
Sidney Saldana
Cash Operation Manager
Denis Edano
Cash Operation Manager
Mohammed Imad Uddin...
Head of Customer Service Department
Dante Castellano
Computer System and Network Engineer
Roderick Rosales
Electronics and Communications Engineer
Ryan Garcia
Computer System and Network Engineer
Mark Ira Carandang
Software Developer
Louie Mar Gomez
IT Support Engineer
Farooq Butt
IT Support Engineer
Nikko Solis
IT Support Engineer
Dovletmammet Ovlyagu...
Marketing Manager


Verifiziert 67%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Akhil Nandipati
Blockchain Developer
Tom Sander
Cryptocurrency Mining Expert
Oliver Davis
Technical Writer

KIBIS Interviews

Merdan Gurbanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Co-Founder of KIBIS
With over 6 years of experience in Payment Services, Finance and E-Money.
Blockchain and Crypto-Mining Enthusiast.
What do you think about idea?
It has been said many times over by cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, and analysts that wide-scale adoption will come from real-world applications. By building its blockchain-powered payment processing technology into kiosks, KIBIS will make financial services an intuitive process that builds upon the familiar self-service kiosk experience.
Vitaliy Snagovskiy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Co-Founder of KIBIS.
With a huge experience in self-service kiosk business, e-wallets, mobile payments.
What do you think about idea?
A great idea that combines new blockchain technologies, the ability to quickly access financial services and gives you the opportunity to gain access to the crypto industry.
Raisa Amineva
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Business Development Manager
With over 8 years experience in developing a business development structure and strategy in the Middle East markets, which can respond dynamically to the pressures and complexities of increased market competition, and to the increasing demands of customers for quality, service, and price;
What do you think about idea?
KIBIS is a great project that brings the crypto capability to unbanked people around the world, and particularly in the Middle East where only 14% of the population have access to a bank account, with their novel kiosk system. Anyone can use this new tool to pay utilities and tolls, top up mobile phones, make donations, send money internationally, pay employees, purchase cryptocurrency gift cards, and more.
Esen Asymbekov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Business Development Manager at KIBIS
Leading a team of other business development managers, Assessing team performance when it comes to growing the business through client acquisition and sales, Maintaining relationships with staff and keeping up-to-date on their work progress, Reporting on the most productive sales professionals, Writing reports and analyzing relevant business data
What do you think about idea?
The idea of KIBIS is very unique, it brings Blockchain technology and the ability of it for peoples daily use. I'm glad to be the part of this team and this project.
Sharon Alindato
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Human Resource Manager at KIBIS
Develop programs to enhance employee relations and offer employee support to each staff member. Ensure that the new hire orientation process properly introduces new employees to the corporate culture. Deliver compensation and benefit comparison reports to the executive team each month and make recommendations to improve the company’s current offerings.
What do you think about idea?
It is a very promising and interesting project, that combines the latest technologies with peoples everyday needs
Michael Salisi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Chief Accountant at KIBIS
Assisting in the development and implementation of goals, policies, priorities, and procedures relating to financial management, budget, accounting, and/or payroll. Supervising and participating in the preparation of financial statements and reports.
What do you think about idea?
Amazing mixture of traditional payment services business with new advanced technology, that brings more speed, transparency, and easiness in use for daily needed services.
Sidney Saldana
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Cash Operation Manager at KIBIS
Responsible for the daily operations and processes for accounts receivable and cash application.
What do you think about idea?
KIBIS brings the crypto capability to unbanked people around the world, and particularly in the Middle East where only 14% of the population have access to a bank account, with their novel kiosk system.
Denis Edano
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Cash Operation Manager at KIBIS
Responsible for the daily operations and processes for accounts receivable and cash application, ensuring the timely and accurate completion of all department requirements.
What do you think about idea?
A very Innovative and interesting project that combines all new features and technologies and solving the main problem on most crypto projects which is daily use by the traditional business.
Mohammed Imad Uddin Danish
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Head of Customer Service at KIBIS
Helping to build good customer relations, Recruiting staff and doing appraisals, Arranging staff meetings, Handling complaints and queries from customers.
What do you think about idea?
Innovative and challenging. It is always hard to be the first, especially with new products and ideas. But KIBIS does it well, successfully surmounting the challenges on daily basis, steadily moving to the goal.
Dante Castellano
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Computer System and Network Engineer
Installing, monitoring, maintenance, support, optimization and
documentation of all network hardware, software, and communication links. Administer systems and servers related to the network for the purpose of ensuring the availability of services to users.
What do you think about idea?
Great Idea, Great Team, Great Project. There is nothing more to say, as in my opinion bringing new advanced technology to the traditional business is the one and only way of developing this technology, making it more useful and more convenient for people.
Roderick Rosales
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Electronics and Communications Engineer at KIBIS
Providing technical support to the top-up machines and interactive kiosks users, Assemble terminals, install and configure software
What do you think about idea?
KIBIS is a project that of provides financial services for unbanked individuals from the ground up in order to incorporate blockchain technology at many people’s common point of use.
Ryan Garcia
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Computer System and Network Engineer at KIBIS
Working as Field Engineer providing technical support on touchscreen Self-Service Kiosks deployed on different locations in the U.A.E. Assigned as the team leader with the responsibility of providing training & supervising new Field Engineers. Providing support through the phone for customers & agents complaints on the Self-Service Kiosks. Coordinating Self-Service Kiosks software problems to our head IT Developer and help resolve IT issues.
What do you think about idea?
Idea, technology, and solutions that are used in this project are far superior to anything I saw so far. Team overtops by a head all competitors and previous solutions. I'm glad to be a part of the project that can change the future of Payment services.
Mark Ira Carandang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Software Developer at KIBIS
With experience in Payment Processing Software, E Payments, and Mobile Wallets.
What do you think about idea?
It is a great idea to mix traditional business with new technologies when one benefiting another on the way for a common goal.
Louie Mar Gomez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
IT Support Engineer
Diagnosing system hardware, software and operation problems and implement corrective action. Analysis and maintaining of computers, instrumentations, banknote processing systems, and their operations hardware systems and their components. Providing field service, troubleshooting and installing computerized equipment in a self-directed, high-paced environment.
What do you think about idea?
The great idea that experienced team brought to live, New technologies that are used in this project are supporting and benefiting traditional business for a future success.
Farooq Butt
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
IT Support Engineer
Resolve hardware/software issues (including remote control)
Administer and maintain the network of top-up machines and interactive kiosks
Monitor state of installed terminals and go to locations if needed to troubleshoot, replace or repair terminals
What do you think about idea?
A very promising project, which successfully passed tests on the ground. It is very interesting to see how the team solving the problems on a daily bases and moving forward every day.
Nikko Solis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
IT Support Engineer with over 4 years experience in Payment Processing Software, Billing Software, and E-Wallets
What do you think about idea?
KIBIS has a great idea with cutting-edge kiosks that allow universal access to financial services to people all over the world, including the 2 billion people without access to a bank account.
Dovletmammet Ovlyagulyev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Marketing Manager at KIBIS
Establishing marketing goals to ensure the profitability of services. Developing and executing both short and long-term marketing plans to ensure the growth and profitability of a project. Planning and overseeing the production of print, electronic and direct mail advertising for the company. Working with creatives in copywriting, design and layout to produce branded marketing materials.
What do you think about idea?
A very promising idea that combines three businesses together under the umbrella of Blockchain technology.
Tom Sander
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in the KIBIS project is to give an insight into crypto mining with my vast experience in this field. I have been a key member in many crypto mining farms and have created algorithms to ensure the most profitable coin is mined at anyone time.
What do you think about idea?
It’s a great idea and very promising for the kiosk world for faster payments and longevity of cryptocurrency. Combined with mining this ICO has thought about every part of the crypto currency architecture. A very promising ICO for 2019.
Oliver Davis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I assisted the KIBIS team to compose the whitepaper and frame work for the website. Furthermore, advising on smart contracts, marketing and user experience.
What do you think about idea?
KIBIS have identified a major problem , that worldwide so many individuals do not have access to banking/financial services. KIBIS' plan to deploy self-service kiosks around the world, with such a variety of services will definitely help to combat this issue. I believe installing mining equipment in the kiosks is a great way generate revenue from day one of deployment, helping sustain the project long term.

KIBIS Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 4
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

KIBIS multi-faceted project incorporates self-service kiosks, blockchain architecture, advertising revenue streams and cryptocurrency mining. Using kiosks and offering a wide variety of services KIBIS will become a secure, fast and efficient option for people to easily access financial services whenever and wherever they want.


  • Kiosk Services. Users can top-up mobile phones, pay for TV subscriptions, utility bills, aeroplane tickets, contribute to charities and purchase online gaming. Cryptocurrency gift cards will be available in association with a high profile exchange, plus over 2,000 additional services. The kiosk will accept various payment forms:
  • Cash, all major currencies.
  • Cryptocurrencies( Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash).
  • Android & Apple Pay.
  • Second Screen. Each kiosk will be fitted with a LED screen on top, where advertisers can purchase ad space. Kiosks are frequented by tens of thousands of people and knowing the demographic allows KIBIS to establish great partnerships.
  • Security and Friendliness.  To make cryptocurrency payments as accessible as possible KIBIS self-service kiosks will be fitted with QR code readers. Its software can scan photographic identification. Furthermore, the machines have biometric measures, either scanning a user’s fingerprint or reading their palm with the optical scanner. KIBIS e-Wallet and exchange will enable users to secure their account with 2FA (Two factor authentication). Kiosk hardware security is also addressed. Each kiosk will be fitted with an admin system alarm to ensure the devices are not tampered with or vandalized.
  • KIBIS Mining.  The best liquid cooled mining equipment will be installed in all existing and new kiosks. Due to low cost electricity at partner locations, this will bolster the project revenue.
  • KIBIS Exposure. KIBIS will deploy network of thousands of kiosks around the world.
  • KIBIS Mobile App. It will feature a Telegram API, Telegram has unparalleled end-to-end encryption, ensuring private single-device communication.
  • KIBIS COIN. Created using the Ethereum blockchain, KIBIS COIN will allow its users to transact on the self-service kiosks, entitle discounts from KIBIS service providers and advertisers. Moreover, providing reward tokens over a 36-month term as the intrinsic value of the coin increases participants benefit every month. Once the tokens have been held in the e-Wallet for 12 months the participants are eligible for the rewards.
  • KIBIS Team. Different professionals have worked together for the last 6 years and have developed experience in the service-payment industry and IT infrastructure.


  • Only participants of the initial coin offering will have an option to hold their coins in the KIBIS e-Wallet to receive reward coins up to a 36-month period.
  • The KIBIS coin does not have the legal qualification of security since it does not give any rights to dividends or interests.
  • The sale of KIBIS coin is final and non-refundable once the soft cap is achieved.
  • Residents from the United States of America including USA green card holders as well as the residents of China or South Korea are ineligible to participate in this project due to the legislation.
  • Limitations. The payments will be blocked for further manual analysis and unlocking if the limit of payment amount is exceeded. Payments to the same number within the last few hours, if the number is exceeded the payments will be blocked.
  • KIBIS white paper is designed in a clear and logical well. However, it is available only in English.


  • Provide all the KIBIS coin holders with the opportunity to receive rewards but not only those, who participated in the initial coin offering.
  • Develop the project to make the provision of KIBIS services safe and unlimited.
  • Engage a qualified staff to translate the document into other languages.


Through its innovative self-payment kiosks KIBIS has found a solution that brings financial services to millions of people; one that takes full advantage of cutting-edge technology that in the coming years will overhaul the foundations of the current payment infrastructure. This makes the project viable and I would invest in it.

Dec 17 2018
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