Kei Finance

Kei Finance

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Kei Finance is a cutting-edge DeFi protocol built on Ethereum with its native ERC20 utility token, KEI, available for purchase at the protocol's launch. It is community-owned, empowering investors to have a say in its future direction. The platform offers practical use cases and rewards for all investors.

With a brilliant team and innovative technology, KEI is poised for explosive growth in 2023. Expect exciting developments and use cases to emerge as the platform enters its early stages. With a commitment to excellence and community support, the future looks bright for KEI
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Über Kei Finance

KEI Finance is about more than just quick gains – it's about long-term growth, quality technology, and creating real change in the DeFi sector. We're committed to addressing the industry's pain points and restoring trust.

Our mission is to redefine your DeFi experience, providing a comprehensive platform that blends cutting-edge technology with user-centric financial services to provide a fully automatic, self-governing ecosystem. KEI is designed to pave the way for an entirely new DeFi landscape – one where the tokenomics are in favour of the Hodlers.

By ensuring a hard floor price that continually increases over time, we aim to negate any negative impacts and build a system that provides consistent growth and value.

At KEI Finance, we've designed innovative reward distribution mechanisms that funnel profits back to our users. Our system ensures that as KEI Finance grows, so does your share of the profits.

KEI's unique financial structuring is designed to increase the current supply while providing substantial benefits to invested stakeholders.

The protocol we employ is unlike any other, avoiding the dilution of token value prevalent in many systems. How? Our innovative token supply mechanism sees every token purchase's entire cost go to the protocol, directly benefiting our users by increasing floor prices, liquidity pool sizes, or staking rewards, thus ensuring a level of price security for our token holders.

This makes KEI Finance a remarkably lucrative platform for token holders, as the protocol's fund control grows significantly with each token supply.

Our advanced architecture offers robust security and transparency, with our KEI contract visible for public scrutiny.

Furthermore, we are continuously working on integrating new features, like a decentralized asset management and borrowing platform, to offer you a comprehensive DeFi experience. Join KEI Finance today and explore a smarter, more rewarding world of decentralized finance. Welcome to the future.

Kei Finance Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • During the initial phase, our main objective was to establish the Kei Finance protocol as a robust proof of concept, ready for deployment and comprehensive testing. Since its inception in early 2021, we have made remarkable progress in addressing various pain points within the industry, bringing us closer to delivering an innovative solution.

    Protocol research and development
    Considerable efforts have been dedicated to the research and development of the protocol since its inception in 2021. Through meticulous work and continuous iteration, we have achieved significant milestones in shaping the protocol.

    Private round raise
    We are proud to announce the successful completion of our private round raise, securing $120k USD. This funding will play a vital role in fueling further development and advancing the Kei Finance protocol.

    Internal protocol audit
    To ensure the highest level of security and reliability, the entire contract suite of the protocol underwent a comprehensive internal audit. This thorough evaluation ensures that the protocol adheres to best practices and mitigates potential risks.

    Ethereum Proof of Concept deployment
    One of the crucial milestones in our journey was the deployment and verification of the initial Proof of Concept on the Ethereum blockchain. This step allowed us to test and validate the functionality and feasibility of the protocol in a real-world environment.
  • Phase 2

  • During this phase, we aim to enhance the product and establish a solid foundation by assembling a talented team. By doing so, we will be one step closer to realizing our protocol's full potential.

    Onboard core team
    To elevate the protocol to new heights, it was crucial to assemble a core team of talented individuals. This team brings diverse expertise and skills, poised to take the protocol to the next level.

    Update website and Dapp
    Our commitment to delivering a high-quality product led us to subject the website and decentralized application (Dapp) to thorough quality assurance (QA) testing. Through meticulous refinement, we aim to enhance the user experience and ensure a seamless interface.

    Initiate Arbitrum Marketing campaign
    As we prepare for the next phase of the protocol, we recognize the importance of creating awareness and excitement. Through the initiation of an Arbitrum Marketing campaign, we aim to showcase the benefits and integration of Arbitrum, attracting potential users and stakeholders.

    Business Development and partnerships
    Accelerating growth and technology requires strategic collaborations. By focusing on business development and forming valuable partnerships, we aim to create synergistic relationships that propel the protocol forward.
  • Phase 3

  • With the Arbitrum Launch in Phase 3, the Kei Protocol is poised to leverage the benefits and capabilities of the Arbitrum network, establishing it as the primary network for our protocol. This transition will enable us to tap into a wider ecosystem and provide enhanced functionalities to our users.

    Public sale offering
    To secure the future growth of the protocol and foster widespread adoption, we are creating a public offering for KEI tokens. This offering will not only provide a fair price for participants but also allow for the onboarding of a large user base.

    Marketing & airdrop campaigns
    In tandem with the public sale offering, we will launch comprehensive marketing and airdrop campaigns. These initiatives aim to increase awareness, attract new users, and reward our community for their support.

    Arbitrum Official KEI Launch
    Once the public sale is successfully completed, we will open up liquidity pools for public trading on the Arbitrum network. This launch will provide users with seamless access to KEI tokens and facilitate a vibrant ecosystem within the Arbitrum network.

    Third Party Audit
    As part of our commitment to security and transparency, an ongoing third-party audit will be conducted. This audit process ensures that the Kei Protocol adheres to best practices and mitigates potential risks, providing confidence to our users and stakeholders.

    Launch Asset Management service
    As part of our continued development, we will introduce an Asset Management service. This service will offer users opportunities to manage and optimize their assets within the Kei Protocol ecosystem, unlocking additional value and functionality.
  • Phase 4

  • In Phase 4, the Kei Protocol enters an exciting phase of expansion, aimed at broadening its range of products and services. This expansion will strengthen the protocol's capabilities, attract a wider user base, and unlock new avenues for growth within the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape.

    Incentivised LP pool
    In order to incentivize liquidity provision and foster a vibrant ecosystem, we will introduce an Incentivized LP (Liquidity Provider) pool. This mechanism will reward users who contribute liquidity to the protocol with attractive incentives, ensuring optimal liquidity and enhancing the overall efficiency of the ecosystem.

    Borrowing Platform
    To cater to the borrowing needs of users, we will develop and launch a Borrowing Platform within the Kei Protocol. This platform will offer users the ability to collateralize their assets and borrow funds, providing access to liquidity while maintaining the security and integrity of the protocol.

    Governance DAO
    Recognizing the importance of community governance, we will establish a Governance Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This DAO will empower KEI token holders to participate in protocol decision-making, allowing for a decentralized and inclusive governance model.

Kei Finance Mannschaft

Verifiziert 25%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Kevin Upton
Matthew Peters
Tom Tsao
Kaz Hwang
Business Development


Sam Hishon

Kei Finance Interviews

Kevin Upton
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the founder of KEI finance. I have personally been working on this project for the last 2 years, bringing it into fruition and help to create an amazing team to get it where it needs to go.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of KEI finance, is an exciting new idea in the DeFi space, really looking to revolutionise the way DeFi works and operates. We are creating many exciting new pieces of technology from automatic trading algorithms, to offramping card payment solutions.

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