JoeRogan Coin

JoeRogan Coin

Created using Figma
JoeRogan Coin is a deflationary community meme coin that donates to Joe’s favorite charities and rewards holders for their contributions. Joe Rogan and his podcast have played a big part in many of our lives over the last decade, with so many memeable and memorable moments in internet history, we thought it would be a shame if we didn’t give back and create a coin based on his legacy. His podcast has been home to many fascinating minds in society, many of whom also have important charities that Joe himself endorses and supports so we thought it would be a perfect way for us as the community to give back. These charities protect wildlife, save our oceans as well as provide support for mental health and drug incarceration victims, just to name a few.
Pre Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 9 000.00 USD
Limit 9 000.00 USD
0.75% of supply to each presale member. Total pool required is 15 BNB for presale with maximum 1 BNB contribution each. Total tokens to be received per presale member is 7.5 billion JOE.
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details
Binance Smart Chain

Technische Information


The JoeRogan coin works in a few ways to reward holders and create more value for the community over time.

Each transaction has a 5% fee, a 5% burn of supply, as well as a 5% reward that is sent back to holders. In the end, everyone who supports the coin wins as each transaction will reward holders and the community is able to donate to Joe’s favorite charities with every milestone we hit.

After presale, 41% of the remaining supply will be burned (approximately 287.5 Billion tokens) and the rest will be sent to the liquidity pool as well as a transparent marketing wallet for all of our upcoming marketing efforts. 

JoeRogan Coin Roadmap

  • Q2 2021 - Listings & Marketing

  • - List on Pancakeswap
    - List on CoinGecko & CoinMarketCap
    - Reach our first milestone of 5,000 addresses
    - Donate to our first charity
  • Q3 2021 - Donations

  • - Reach next milestone of 25,000 addresses
    - Donate to 3 of Joe’s favorite charities
    - List on major exchange
  • Q4 2021 - Work with Joe + More Donations

  • - Reach next milestone of 100,000 addresses
    - Donate to 5 charities
    - Collaborate with the man Joe Rogan himself
    - List on 3 major exchanges

JoeRogan Coin Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

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