Jigoku Hounds

Jigoku Hounds

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In a long lost underworld on the edge of the universe, there is a ruthless realm, barbaric beyond human comprehension; the Jigoku Empire.
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Über Jigoku Hounds

It is ruled by the Jigoku Masters, blindly followed by an army of 1666 savage Hounds whom are the guardians of the Jigoku Gates. Their uncontrollable appetite for $SOUL renders them the most ferocious creatures to have ever existed. Their sole purpose, and one which they have excelled at for centuries, is to bring agony and anguish upon those most deserving of it.

Jigoku Hounds Roadmap


  • - Launch Twitter and closed Discord
    - Give out periodic discord invites
    - Begin whitelist selection process, onboard early supporters
    - Release tokenomics

  • - Launch gen 0 collecTION 1666 JIKOGU HOUNDS
    - Stake your Jigoku Hounds immediately after mint to earn $SOUL
    - Magic Eden listing and rarity reveal
    - Add holder verification and create Jigoku DAO
    - Implement further $SOUL utilities

  • - Launch gen 1 collecTION JIKOGU MASTERS
    - The Masters will be able to hunt twice as many $SOUL as the Hounds, however pairing your Hound with his Master enables your Hound to hunt more efficiently, thus increasing its $SOUL return.

    - Launch GEN2 collection – Jigoku runes
    - Pairing a Hound with its Master and its Rune will grant you absolute power. Benefits will include significant overall $SOUL return multiplier, exclusive whitelists spots, merch and much more.

    Chapter 3 is still in development, it’s benefits from pairing Jigoku collections are subject to change, we value your opinion!
    Further development: Roadmap Tales V2
    – Sky Is The Limit …to be continued

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