Jet Web3 Project

Jet Web3 Project

Created using Figma
JET WEB3 Project is the highest paid decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a fixed APY compound interest model through use of it’s unique FAP protocol.
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Über Jet Web3 Project

JET WEB3 Project delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, paid every 15 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your $JETw3 & $BUSD portfolio. JET WEB3 Project is the native token which interest rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically receives 0.02838909% interest every 15 minutes just for holding JET WEB3 Project tokens – paid directly into your wallet.

JET WEB3 Project ’s mission is to bring new cryptocurrency concepts to mainstream investors. Unlike older, comparable projects, $JETw3 introduces holders to next-generation concepts such as Staking & Farming, NFTs with utility and rewards and more.
A BEP20 (BSC) project token that promotes healthy and widespread growth and usage through the ecosystem built around the $JETw3 brand as well as specific rewards linked to users’ transactions involving decentralized wallets and other utilities such as staking and farming.

JET WEB3 Project
( $JETw3 )

✔ Highest Fixed 2,087,120.50% APY
✔ Burn Function for stability in the ecosystem!
✔ Automatic Staking and Compounding in Your Wallet!
✔ Interest Paid Every 15 Minutes: 96 Times Daily!
✔ Interest Paid 0.02838909% Every 15 Minutes!
✔ BUSD Rewards every 60 minutes!

Jet Web3 Project Roadmap

  • - Project creation
    - Team building
    - Website creation
    - Smartcontract creation & test
    - Partner allianfes
  • - Private sale
    - Website launch
    - Telegram launch
    - Twitter launch
    - Contract & project creation
    - Community building
    - Marketing push
  • - FairLaunch on Pinksale
    - Lock Liquidity
    - 2,5K Telegram members
    - 2,5K Twitter user
    - Pancakeswap listing
    - Airdrop campaign
  • - Certik Audit
    - gecko listing
    - CMC listing
    - 10,000 Token Holders
  • Weiterlesen
  • - 20,000 Token Holders
    - dApp development
    - 5,0K TG member
    - 5,0K Twitter user
    - Partnerships/promos

Jet Web3 Project Letzte Nachrichten

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