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Über JBToken

Become a legend by battling your way as a champion into the metaverse. JBToken is a new collection of NFT games that empowers you to play and earn. In JBT, there are no losers. By venturing into the metaverse, everyone is a winner.You earn rewards based on the amount of JBT held.

Getting Started on the JBToken

JBT is a world of virtual reality full of fierce, adorable pets called JBT. JBToken can be battled, collected, and used to earn and trade cryptocurrencies.

JBT is a game universe filled with fascinating creatures, JBT, that players can collect as pets. Players aim to battle, breed, collect, raise, and build kingdoms for their JBT. The universe has a player-owned economy where players can truly own, buy, sell, and trade resources they earn in the game through skilled-gameplay and contributions to the ecosystem. There are and will be many varied games experiences for JBTs. Many of them will have players compete with each other using complex strategies and tactics to attain top rankings or be rewarded with coveted resources. Others will have them complete quests, defeat bosses, and unlock in-depth storylines.

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