

Created using Figma
IoTeX Shiba is a community driven and owned meme project builded on IoTeX and Binance Smart Chain ecosystem.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über IoTexShiba


Here at IoTeX Shiba, we are all about our community. As long term investors and believers in the potential of the IoTeX project, our philosophy from the start has been to create a community driven project that will bring people to the IoTeX Ecosystem


We have set up a launching mechanism specifically designed to avoid whales & bots. We have taken prudent precautions to ensure that we will experience a positive price development.

Deflationary Mechanism

In the early stage of the project, we will use the majority of the profits from the iotex reflections for weekly buyback and burn events. This will increase your share of the network over time, as well as the price floor.

IoTexShiba Roadmap

  • 1

  • Contract Deployment
    Token Launch
    Listing on MIMO
    LP Tokens Burned
    1,000 Holders
    Listing Coingecko
    Listing CoinMarketcap
  • 2

  • Full Contract Audit
    Baby Iotex Shiba Launch
    Baby Iotex Shiba Listing on Pancakeswap
    Website Relaunch
    Baby IoTexShiba bridged to IoTex blockchain
    Baby IoTexShiba/IoTexShiba Trading Pair on MIMO
  • 3

  • Baby IoTexShiba Listing Coingecko
    Baby IoTexShiba Listing Coinmarketcap
    NFT Collection Mint
    IoTexShiba DAO

IoTexShiba Letzte Nachrichten

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