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Investro is a full-featured cryptocurrency trading ecosystem with a strong focus on automated social trading. The Investro platform is built with simplicity, functionality, and security in mind. Well suited for both seasoned and novice investors, Investro will allow entry into the highly lucrative crypto assets market with reduced risk and let experienced traders offer value-added services to other users.
To be announced
2,000,000,000 INF
140,000,000 INF (locked with a vesting period of 24 months, release 4.16% every months)

Company reserve
110,000,000 INF (locked with a vesting period of 24 months, release 16.66% every 4 months)

140,000,000 INF (locked with a vesting period of 18 months, release 16.66% every 3 months)

180,000,000 INF (10% unlocked at TGE, remaining locked with the vesting period of 12 months, release 7.5% every month)

60,000,000 INF (locked with a vesting period of 12 months, release 2% every 1 weak)

Liquidity and listings
80,000,000 INF (5% unlocked at TGE, remaining locked with the vesting period of 6 months, release 7.91% after every two weeks)

Staking and LP rewards
200,000,000 INF (locked with a vesting period of 10 months, release 10% every month, Initial release after 1st week of TGE)
Weitere Details

Über Investro


The first fully-automatic social crypto trading Fund with real cryptocurrency.

InvestroFund serves as a secure interface between professional traders and end-users. All activities of the traders are monitored via a secured API connection in real-time and can be copied to a follower's portfolio automatically.

The followers can freely assign a part of their volume to each selected trader. Selecting multiple traders allows for diversifying investments to optimize your portfolio management.

To ensure all users have a safe experience, the platform is developed with the highest security standards and under continuous assessment through individual algorithms.

Explore an ever-expanding variety of cryptocurrencies and automatically copy the underlying assets from professional Traders in our community. Build your portfolio and enjoy the security and benefits of the biggest exchanges in one place.


Investing through a platform like Investro has certain advantages as the professional traders listed on the platform are extremely experienced and knowledgeable in matters of crypto and fiat. They are also skilled in applying aggressive investment strategies along with complex risk management tools. Traders are exposed to a large pool of fiat and cryptocurrencies with a transparent fee model and real-time conversions and withdrawals. Investro will give traders access to an automated social trading feature that allows the Investro Social Trading Bot to directly copy the strategies of successful traders in the Investro pool. Profit distribution on the platform is completely transparent and open.


Investro's complete portfolio management suite is highly optimized and automated for trading on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, including creating and executing personalized approaches. It supports sophisticated mechanisms for multiple integrations with crypto exchanges for real-time bidirectional data transfer

A multi-exchange trading feature will allow users to trade on multiple preferred cryptocurrency exchanges from the Investro exchange. Users can easily do this from one unified interface without logging into different exchanges individually to buy and sell crypto assets. Simultaneously, this feature will enhance the user experience on mobile devices, which is currently limited to existing exchanges.

Trading different coins and tokens across other cryptocurrency exchanges become possible without the need for multiple log-ins and 2FA verifications every time the user decides to execute a trade.

The app integrates with multiple cryptocurrency exchanges through the APIs of each exchange. This gives users complete control over their funds on each exchange through one central interface, thus increasing their security.


Security in general and security audit operations are at the top of the list in terms of priorities related to our system and products. Our budget and token distribution includes hiring third party security auditors and professional penetration testers in order to detect and prevent any and all weaknesses in our defenses as well as exposure to fraud or malicious attacks. Moreover, our defense system is to be integrated to overlook all transactions. In case of any suspicious activity, protocols will be initiated to block and rectify the situation in question.


The Investro platform will be a place where users can share and access each other’s trading activity. The social trading pool provides a wide selection of traders that have mastered the game of trading and are able to generate profits in the long run. Based on their performance and Investro’s AI that picks and recommends the most promising and profitable traders, other users can automatically copy their trades. To build a strong social trading pool, and to encourage successful traders to share their wisdom, Investro has created a rewarding mechanism. This mechanism rewards successful members of the social trading pool for being copied. Simply put, the more copiers they have, the larger their payout.


By only holding INF tokens in their investor wallets, users will be rewarded with up to 100% APY staking rewards. The passive income this generates will be proportional to the number of tokens each user has staked. This is the simplest form of staking where you cannot hold the tokens for a certain amount of time. Users will be rewarded every day just for holding the INF tokens in the investro staking wallet, and users can withdraw their tokens anytime they want.

The multi-currency built-in crypto wallet app allows users to store, manage, and spend their crypto funds without the complexity of managing multiple wallets. More Cryptocurrencies will be added in the future where people will earn rewards by just holding specific cryptocurrencies in the investro staking wallet.


By only holding INF tokens in their investor wallets, users will be rewarded with up to 100% APY staking rewards. The passive income this generates will be proportional to the number of tokens each user has staked. This is the simplest form of staking where you cannot hold the tokens for a certain amount of time. Users will be rewarded every day just for holding the INF tokens in the investro staking wallet, and users can withdraw their tokens anytime they want.

The multi-currency built-in crypto wallet app allows users to store, manage, and spend their crypto funds without the complexity of managing multiple wallets. More Cryptocurrencies will be added in the future where people will earn rewards by just holding specific cryptocurrencies in the investro staking wallet.


The Investro platform completely revolves around the usage of Investro Token - a Utility Token that will be used on the platform to access various premium features, incentivize community sharing and value creation through a dynamic reward system, pay for fees and settlement of profits derived from social trading between members.

Investro Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Marcos Dieter
CEO/Blockchain Developer
Natalija N.
Erich Carsten
Backend Developer

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