Infinity DAO

Infinity DAO

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Holders of DC can enjoy In DAO's monthly DAO rewards. And DC holders can form their own communities by sharing node binding invitation relationships to enjoy high commissions, so that each promoter in the DC independent community can get rewards.
To be announced
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Über Infinity DAO

Infinity is an innovative decentralized reserve currency protocol based on the IND token on the BNB chain. Each IND token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g. USDT) in the treasury, giving it an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below. We are a community-driven DAO that introduces unique economic and game-theoretic dynamics into the market through staking and bonding. These two mechanisms are crucial for creating a sustainable reserve currency while optimising short and long term wealth creation for the holders.

Infinity DAO Roadmap

  • .01

  • - Team build out

    - Discord, twitter launch

    - Form partnerships in the Binance ecosystem

    - Complete AMAs with prospective projects for incubation fund

    - Recruiting influencer and IND ambassador for community

    - First batch of Diamond Chain public sale
  • .02

  • - Whitelist Fundraising

    - IND public sale

    - launch IND protocol and liquidity

    - CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap listing

    - DAO proposal for In DAO begin

    - treasury management,fund deployment, etc
  • .03

  • - Begin development of native DAO tooling platform native to Binance ecosystem

    - Deploying first season of treasury fund to community

    - Investment thesis call with DAO for development and incubation strategy line

    - Begin developing, investment and funding In DAO 2.0 using treasury fund
  • .04

  • - In DAO begins to incubate and invest in projects

    - Integrate native DAO tooling to make management seamless and integrated

    - License our DAO tooling to other DAO's looking for a management system

    - Deploying second season of treasury fund to community's list of wealthy wish, treasury fund will fulfill community's wish seasonly
  • Weiterlesen
  • .05

  • - Continue to develop, incubate, and fund new protocols and get the DAO involved as much as possible in new initiatives

    - IND ambassador continue collecting deathly desires or wishes from the community, and to fulfil them. Make sure In DAO's community will be rich together

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