Inferno Pay

Inferno Pay

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Inferno pay is a payment gateway and token on the BSC. Offering no chargeback payments to the adult industry.
To be announced
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Über Inferno Pay

Inferno Pay is a crypto currency token and payment API, that can be used on multiple websites, both new and existing eliminating chargebacks and fraudulent activity. 

 There are many new and emerging crypto currencies launching daily. However none compared to Inferno Pay. Not only does the Inferno token (IFO) eliminate chargebacks, it also protects consumers, content creators and webmasters from fraudulent activity. The adult entertainment space is known for its high payment processing fees. Banks and centralized finance organizations take advantage of the industry leaving webmasters no other option than to accept their ridiculous terms. With the Inferno Pay platform, website operators are no longer forced to comply in order to successfully operate adult content on the web. 

Inferno Pay Roadmap

  • Q4(2021)

  • Casino Inferno launch
    Partnerships with adult media powerhouses
    Night out with 2 major adult stars in Las Vegas
    Website traffic purchase on all major adult platforms
    The Porndude listing.
  • Q1(2022)

  • CMC and CG listing
    API implementation on our partner websites
    NFTease release. Influencer marketing campaign

Inferno Pay Letzte Nachrichten

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