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Inddais blends the traditional method of profit sharing and the blockchain transparency in its simplified web portal. Buckle up for an ultimate WEB 3.0 experience.
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Über Inddais

Each token you buy will supply added hashpower to our mining farms. For this contribution of yours, we transfer 40% of the total daily mining outputs to the blockchain deployed dividend vault (dINIS). The only key for gaining access to the funds in vault is nothing but the tokens you hold. All you must do is seed your tokens in the Inddais Farm and keep harvesting the crypto yield. The farm calculates your share of the vault balance based on the number of tokens you have seeded on the farm and the number of days you preserve it seeded.


Placed over BNB Chain

INIS is bound by BEP-20 standards and exists within BNB chain which is known for its scalability, rapidity and security.

Transparency Delivered

The underlying smart contracts stores all the state changing transactions with no exception to ensure transparent tokenomics.

Inbuilt Selling Facility

We understand changing financial clouds, and hence when needed, you can instantly exchange a part of your tokens for BNB coin.

Futuristic Implementation

The incentivised burn function and upper capped mint function will enable us to steer through the inflation or deflation efficiently.

Locked Liquidity

We have limited the access to funds in the dividend vault contract to the yielding farm seeds to ensure fair profit distribution.

Simplified Yielding Farm

Profits from the yielding farm are directly proportionate to the growing vault balance, number of tokens seeded and the duration.

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