Incluzion Finance

Incluzion Finance

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Incluzion is the BEP-20 token that aims to change the lives of its users by providing extraordinary benefits. An opportunity to earn passive income, make extremely high returns, and be a part of contributing in one of the future-most-popular tokens are just a few benefits.
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To be announced
Early sales 10% - 20m
Private sales 10% - 20m
Marketing 5% - 10m
Team wallet (vested linearly over 10 years) 10% - 20m
Research/product development (vested linearly over 10 years) - 15% - 30m
Airdrop to the community - 5% - 10m (Proposed)
Platform Activity rewards - 5% - 10m
Liquidity pool - 40% - 80m
Burned upon listing – 1% - 20%
Weitere Details
Plattform, Grundeigentum

Über Incluzion Finance

Incluzion Finance is the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that focuses on real estate and property. The goal of the DAO is to raise funds for the property development business.

The model of the Incluzion Finance is Rent-to-Buy (R2B). It offers a mind-boggling opportunity to the first-time real estate buyers in realworld and Metaverse.

They can rent a property in both virtual/physical worlds at a whopping 30% below market price, and after 5 years of tenancy, tenants can purchase the property at a whopping 30% below market price.

The users will save a hefty amount of money.

As mentioned earlier, the goal of the DAO is to raise funds for property development in Metaverse. Therefore, the profits from the sale will be spent for the operational purposes of the DAO. The community members won’t get anything.

Since DAO is a decentralized organization, the community members get to vote on deciding the usage of the funds. They get to decide which type of material should be bought, which contracting firm should be hired etc.

It truly is a great benefit for Web3 enthusiasts. Because they get a sense of contributing to a greater cause.

The features such as renting/owning aren’t available right now. They will be launched in the future. Currently, the users only get the voting rights for property development.



Holders of CLUZ will receive 0.1% reflection when there's a buy and 0.1% reflection when there's a sell. Buyback, Development, Marketing wallets will not receive redistribution of tokens on each transaction as this function has been stopped for these wallets. When the Buyback function is implemented tokens that are purchased with the Buyback funds 70% of these tokens will be burnt, this will be used to reduce the total supply of CLUZ tokens from the market. When the total circulation supply reaches 30 million; there will be no burning of CLUZ tokens. All burning will cease permanently and, we will stop the redistribution of CLUZ tokens as rewards to holders.


We have implemented a blacklist function to stop Bots from buying. Max sell per transaction 0.01% of total circulation rejected if exceeded.


Manual Buyback - 8% taxes from sales will be collected and stored in the buyback wallet once the team decides to implement the buyback, tokens (Incluzion Finance Token) will be bought. Below is the breakdown of how the tokens will be dispensed:

  • 50% will be burnt
  • 40% will be transferred to the development wallet, this will be used for collecting needed funds for new exchange listings, current product improvement and innovative product development. Our goal for the initial 3 years is to get listed on as many exchanges as possible, by implementing the above we aim to achieve this goal
  • 5% will be sent to Dornet project wallet which needs the finance to drive the project
  • 5% will be sent to the Airdrop wallet for community competitions

Incluzion Finance Roadmap

  • PHASE 1

  • Open our official Telegram group
    Open Our official WhatsApp group
    Launch Website
    Start marketing campaign
    Start Early Sale
    Get Audited
    Begin Private Sale
    Lauch Dornet
    Launch New Africa
    Additional private Sale
    Launch Pocket dating
    Launch on Pancake Swap
    Launch Reddit
    List on Token gecko and CMC
    Marketing towards the purpose of building our Telegram, Twitter, Instagram community
  • PHASE 2

  • Launch wallet App (here holders can buy, sell and store their tokens safely. In V2 of the App, users will be able to stake their CLUZ tokens and earn rewards on each stake period.
    Major marketing campaigns achieve 10,000 plus holders and Token Market Cap listing.
    Apply for a new exchange listing.
    Get listed on one of the top five exchanges and achieve 30,000.
    Start a major marketing campaign to achieve 50,000 holders and rising.
    Lauch Incluzion Finance ecosystem
    Launch Incluzion Finance Coin
  • PHASE 3

  • Integrate Incluzion Finance token into Incluzion Finance Coin.
    Launch products driven by Incluzion finance ecosystem phase

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