Incentive (INC)

Incentive (INC)

Created using Figma
The INC token combines the qualities of the Polygon blockchain with a cutting-edge technology stack, making incentives powerful resources for content creators and users alike.
three months
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
DAO Tokens - 30%
DAO Locked Tokens - 45%
Contributors - 20%
Marketing - 5%
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Incentive Token LLC
Eingetragenes Land
United States
Firma gegründet
May 20, 2022
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp

Über Incentive (INC)

Incentive (INC) is an ERC-20 utility and governance token that was born to support a set of projects that allow the use of incentives to promote collaboration and cooperation, some completed and others in process. INC is built on Polygon, which addresses Ethereum's limitations, such as transaction speed, throughput, and gas fees.

INC Survey is a survey protocol and as such, allows on the one hand that the company creates a questionnaire asking the appropriate questions to collect opinions and promote the brand and on the other, that users participate and receive an incentive in exchange for their collaboration.

Surveys are vitally important for businesses; a clear understanding of customer needs is the key to growth. You can do a survey to measure employee engagement, or a customer satisfaction survey to assess whether you provided good service. Whatever the case, the data obtained will provide valuable insights for decision making.

There is no doubt that surveys are powerful weapons for successful businesses, and they are even more so by taking advantage of the advantages offered by the blockchain, such as decentralization, immutability and transparency.


✓ Validate surveys:
The parameters entered by the survey owner are checked to ensure that all requirements are met.

✓ Validate participations:
Each response is checked using the corresponding validator indicated by the survey owner.

✓ Keep budgets and reserves:
Once the survey is completed or resolved, the owner can recover the remaining budget and gas reserve.

✓ Guarantee rewards:
Once the participation is validated and registered, the user receives his reward immediately in his wallet.

✓ Allow participation without gas:
To participate in the surveys, it is not necessary to have MATIC in the wallet. Users can delegate transactions to the INC Relayer module that uses the gas reserve provided by the survey owner


Technische Information

Please check our whitepaper.

Incentive (INC) Roadmap

  • Completed

  • So far we have developed a fantastic survey manager where on the one hand companies can promote themselves and on the other hand users can earn tokens by participating in available surveys.
  • Semester 1 of 2023

  • During this time we will focus on giving more visibility to the INC token, strengthening the community and raising funds.

    We will also start the process to list the INC token on the most popular centralized and decentralized exchanges.
  • Quarter 3 of 2023

  • Technical specifications
    During this phase we will write the technical specifications and thoroughly study our plan.

    Our idea is to create a secure and robust event generator on top of the Polygon blockchains.

    The organizer will be able to determine various types of tickets and sell them in the form of non-fungible tokens.

    The participant will have a QR code that represents the ticket and will allow them to access the event.

    Our API will allow verification of QR codes.

    We can't reveal any more details until development is complete, but we will indicate our progress on
  • Quarter 4 of 2023

  • Implement contracts
    This phase will be dedicated to the implementation of smart contracts following the steps defined in the previous phase.

    Following the good practices of Solidity, we will create a readable, robust and scalable code.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Quarter 1 of 2024

  • Unit & integration tests
    Tests of 2 types will be carried out.

    • Unit tests that focus on each function in isolation.

    • Integration tests that focus on ensuring that multiple pieces of code work together as expected.

    Blockchain software requires more emphasis on testing, due to immutability.
  • Quarter 2 of 2024

  • Develop the client
    We will develop a responsive frontend that offers a satisfying user experience.
    The client will have the following characteristics:

    • Polygon / ERC-20 Wallet Connection

    • Dashboard that shows the status and progress of the events and participations associated with the account.

    • Events panel that allows you to search for events, participate and view the results.

    • Panel to create new events.

    • Panel for token exchange.

    • Link to access the documentation.
  • Coming soon

  • This is only a beginning, as soon as we finish the indicated objectives, we will get down to work to implement other ideas that are in the study phase.

Incentive (INC) Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Younes Hassani
Tarik Hassani

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