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Digital Asset Direct Trading Platform
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iKOMP is a Defi yield farming project that provides liquidity in UniSwap and mines iKOMP by staking the received LP tokens in iKOMP’s liquidity pool.

Liquidity Mining

The iKOMP liquidity pool consists of the Kompass foundation ecosystem tokens.

Ecosystem of tokens

The mined iKOMP is used as a trading fee and major investment asset in the Kompass foundation and the JVC’s ecosystem.

  1. Transaction fee in Kompass Market
    When selling assets on Kompass Market, iKOMP is used as a sales fee. 2% of the sales amount is deducted by iKOMP, reflecting the market price of iKOMP. It is available for user-to-user transaction within Kompass Market.
  2. Transaction fee in Mobuildz
    The first project in the JVC ecosystem, Mobuildz, is an NFT auction platform. By trading NFT-based building cards between users, users can auction at the desired price after 3 days. iKOMP, USDT, CNV can be accepted as trading fee for auction bidding process, and there is 50% discount for iKOMP.
  3. BTCREITs Liquidity pool
    ERC-20 based iKOMP issued BSC-based BiKOMP. iKOMP can be traded on all major networks on the blockchain. BiKOMP participates in a liquidity pool of BTCREITs that can mine BTCR tokens which can be invested in real estate.

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